A Wrinkle in Time

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Meg awoke from the tesserae aching. It still hurt, still hurt so badly. She sat up slowly. Mrs. Which looked down at her.
"I'll make some tea, darling. Then we must discuss what to do next." Meg nodded, still wincing. She looked over at Calvin, he didn't meet her eyes. Carefully, Meg stood up and then she moved towards Calvin slowly. She sat down beside him. When she looked closer she saw that his eyes seemed to glaze over.
"Calvin," she said quietly. "I need to ask you what was going on. What did I see?"
"It's nothing, Meg," Calvin said. Charles Wallace looked over at them from sitting with Mrs. Whatsit. But he didn't move.
"It didn't look like nothing," Meg said. "You can tell me, Cal."
"I said it's nothing, Meg! I don't need you babying me!" Calvin snapped. Meg leaned back, hurt. Calvin sprung to his feet and walked away. Meg just sat there.
"You should go after him," Mrs. Who said. "Catherine Murray. America."
Her mother's words. Meg looked at Mrs. Who. She nodded at Meg. Go she seemed to say with her eyes.
So, Meg got to her feet and went after Calvin.
She found him sitting at the edge of a cliff. He saw her coming, but didn't move. She carefully sat beside him, dangling her feet over the edge.
"I'm sorry," Meg said. She didn't look up at Calvin. Calvin didn't say anything. They sat there in silence. Meg leaned against his shoulder. He sat there stiffly. Is this what friends do, Meg wondered? She heard Calvin take a deep breath.
"You say, I'm perfect," Calvin said his voice shaking. "That at least I have a father." Calvin gulped.
"What you saw, was our math test. Last week. My father..." his voice trailed off. Meg looked up at him and saw silent tears roll down his face.
"Cal. It's okay. You don't have to..."
"Yes. I do," Calvin said. Meg shut her mouth.
"My father says that I need to be perfect. I need to be the popular, smart, athletic kid. I have to be."
Calvin closed his eyes.
"He says that I'm weak, a coward. That I'm dumb and stupid. That I'm worthless. And sometimes I think he's, I think he's," Calvin's shoulders were shaking. "I think he's right."
Meg felt her heart shatter.
"Oh, Cal," she whispers. "Oh, Calvin." She hugged him tightly.
"You've been carrying that around inside you this whole time," Meg said.
Calvin and her weren't that much different after all.
"I'm sorry, Meg," Calvin says.
Meg releases from the hug, confused. "For what?" she asks.
"For being such a baby, for being so weak. I should be the strong one."
Meg looked at Calvin, then she noticed something.
"What's that?" she asked. Then the horror of it hit her. Calvin's shirt had ridden up his stomach revealing tiny cuts, some healed,  some fresh.
"Meg," Calvin whispered.
"You do this to yourself. You do this," Meg felt her heart break again.
"I have to. I have to punish myself. That's what he says." Meg's mouth formed a thin line.
"I am going to murder you father when we get back," she said furiously.
"Meg, I'm fine," Calvin said quietly.
"No! This isn't fine!" Meg stood up. "You can't go back to that house!"
"Meg, I've managed for thirteen years."
"No! I won't let you. I'll tell my mom! You can live with us!"
"Meg," Calvin pleaded. "Please." He got to his feet. Meg hugged him tightly.
"You, Calvin O'Keefe are never allowed to go back to that house because I couldn't live with myself if I let you," Meg whispered into his ear. Calvin found himself nodding.
"Okay," he said. "Okay, Meg."

If you guys want me to write a chapter of Meg talking to her mom about it let me know. I might do it anyways, because I really enjoyed writing this. But I'm not sure. Feel free to leave you opinion. I love constructive criticism.
- AJKBookworm

A Wrinkle In Time Short Headcannon (2018 Movie)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant