12 Days of Xmas: Day 12- Luli

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Lucy laughed, the sound like tinkling bells, and waved away the barmaid's concerns. "No nothing like that. Rent's almost due so I need some quick jewel. I don't know how Erza and Wendy live somewhere as pricey as Fairy Hills." She took a sip of the drink Mirajane placed in front of her. "Do you two live in Fairy Hills?"

"Nope. We all live together." Mirajane shot Lucy a wink. "If we lived in Fairy Hills poor Elfman would be all alone."

Lucy played along, shaking her head. "Now we can't have that."

"Exactly! Right, Lisanna?"

Lisanna let out a noise similar to a squeak when Lucy's gaze fell upon her, those baby browns stealing the breath from Lisanna's lungs.

Lucy frowned. "Is something wrong, Lisanna?" She leaned in closer, brown eyes concerned. "Are you feeling alright?"

She's so close! Lisanna stomach went into a dizzy at the proximity, the air around her heating up and making her feel faint. 

"My little sister seems to be a little tongue tied." Mirajane grinned like a cat with a canary. "I'm sure she's perfectly swell."

"Y-yeah. I'm okay." Lisanna managed to get out, laughing nervously. "No need to worry, Lucy."

Lucy pursed her lips, but pulled away and Lisanna was able to breath again. "Hmm, if you say so."

"Lucy, come on!" Happy appeared, flying in a circle over their heads. "That rent money isn't gonna earn itself."

Lucy scowled at the exceed, then turned and shot the Strauss sisters an apologetic smile. Lisanna's breath was stolen from her again. "Sorry, I gotta go. This pesky cat won't leave me alone."

"I am not pesky!"

"Bye guys! See ya soon!" Lucy blew kisses then spun around on her heel and ran to the guild entrance where her teammates were waiting.

"Bye!" Lisanna exclaimed, waving goodbye, her cheeks aflame and a god awful smile on her face.

The guild doors shut behind the team. Gone as quick as they'd come.

Mirajane chuckled. "Oh boy, you got it bad."

"I know." Lisanna groaned, head hung in her hands. 

"I could help you." Mirajane mused aloud as she started drying a plate with a towel. "It's Christmas time so all it would take is some well placed mistletoe and..."

Lisanna head snapped up, blue eyes glaring daggers at her older sister. "Don't even think about it." 

"Okay, I won't... sour puss." Mirajane conceded, but little did Lisanna know that she was already concocting a scheme.


Fairy Tail's annual Christmas party was in full swing with festive music playing over the Lacrima
and festive food being served by the resident waitresses. Lisanna was one of those waitresses, the other two being Kinana, and her older sister, Mirajane.

The party had a relaxed and happy atmosphere, some were dancing, some were laughing, some were gorging themselves on Christmas candy, everything was in place, except for the presence of Fairy Tail's rowdiest Team.

Lisanna knew that as soon as Team Natsu got here the party would kick in gear, turning from relaxed to crazy.

The barmaid made her rounds, refilling drinks and taking food orders, humming along to each festive song. The routine calmed her and Lisanna was almost in a daze as she completed her familiar patterns, not quite asleep and not quite awake, like a robot.

The Fairy Files (on hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz