Chapter 3

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Louise's Pov

So...after the little incident with Lisa we both went to the principal's office.We waited there for a bit until a friendly blond woman to her 40's waved us and we walked in to the principal's office.Then, we sat and he started to talk...Ok,the most boring hour in my whole life.He started talking about us and he ended up talking about life and all these things.When,he was actually done he told us that we were given a one week detention which means that we had to stay every day for a week after the lesson for 3 hours and help the janitor to his stuff.Are you fucking kidding me?I wasn't even able to stand Lisa at the normal program every day at school and now I had to stay alone with her for a week?!Oh my gosh....

After that the day went pretty normal and finally we were sitting at the school yard eating lunch with my best frie-no..sisters.Dianna,Jade and Elena were their names.Dianna is a super charming girl with almost blond hair and green bright eyes.She's always the bravest one who's not afraid to tell anyone anything.Elena was really short and small but yet equally cute with us.She was so good and honest.Lastly,Jade was a girl around my height,with hair that dye them more often than buying clothes and big beautiful brown eyes.I have to admit it.Jade was the most beautiful from all of us.But she was the shiest of us and she never likes to get into trouble.But when we were all together we had so much fun and we didn't care about anything.That's why we became sisters and I'm sure that this thing will never change.

So here we were sitting all together eating our lunch.

"What the Fuck Louise?You got detention?" Elena asked like if I had killed someone.

"Yes Elena chill out.It's not a big deal" I lied.

"C'mon you know it is Louise.What are you going to tell to your parents now?" Jade asked worried.

"Umm..Ok.This is a big deal.I mean I had never got detention before and it feels a bit awkward."I answered.

"Omg Louise!This is not so bad.It's actually a great opportunity sista" Dianna said.

"What do you mean?" I asked feeling a bit nervous about the whole situation.

"You know that you are bothered when people call you a nerd.I mean this is a great chance to get rid of it.If more and more people get to know what happened you will be more social and they won't call you a nerd anymore." Dianna said.

"Omg Dianna's right.So you will be more confident and Lisa will take her lesson." Jade said smiling widely.

"Hell yeah!But the only bad thing is about my parents...What am I supposed to tell them?" I said sadly.

"Oh wait a second.Didn't you tell us that your parents will be away from house for a couple of days?"Jade asked.

"Yeah they will be.But the office will call them on their cellphones duh?" I said desperately.

"No they won't.Our parents don't give their cellphone number to the school.It's not necessary and I'm sure that your parents didn't.I remember when they mentioned it one day we were in your house." Jade explained felling proud for herself.

"Yessss!Jade's right.I remember it too."Elena said.

"Sooo I can just go home and fake my mom's voice.Genius!!" I shouted in order to everyone look at me.

But I didn't care.I really didn't care.I was safe from my parents and I was starting to get a better reputation.What else did I want?....


Hello sweeties.How ya all doing?Well,first of all sorry for the late update but I was having a bit trouble because I don't have a wireless Internet access anymore so I have to go back to my computer and do it here.But the time is not helping so I will update slow.Really sorry guys but it's a bit hard but I promise you I'll try my best.Please read my story and express your feelings below to the comments.Either you liked it or not.I really don't have a problem with negative comments.

Love ya all sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much <3

Giota <3

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