Chapter 3

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(Y/N) = Your Name

(H/C) = Hair Color

(E/C) = Eye Color


Loki's POV

The avengers hesitantly put their weapons down.

" Now you have exactly two minutes to tell us what your doing here and who this girl is." Tony said, trying to keep his anger under control.

" Gladly, first I'm here to get the girl some help. Second, I have no idea who she is." I answered Tony.

" Okay, are you sure she's not evil?" Tony asked.

" I'm not sure." I answered, "Anyways, can we get her some medical attention please?" I asked Tony.

" Ah yes, we can....BRUCE!" he called. Then a man came in.

"Yes Tony?" The man called Bruce said.

"Can we get this young lady some medical attention please." Tony said.

"Oh yes, of course." Bruce then picked up the girl and rushed her off to his lab.

Reader's POV

I woke up only remembering the man that saved me," Where am I?" I soon recognized the room            to be some kind of lab, I screamed then curled up into a ball crying out of fear. I then heard someone rush into the room,"What's wrong?" I heard a familiar gentle voice ask me. I looked up to see the man that saved me.

"I don't want to be experimented on again, please help me I'm scared." I said through tears. He then did his best to comfort me by bringing me into an embrace.

"Shhh, Shhh, it's okay I'm here." he said to me. After I had calmed down he let go of me,"Are you okay?" he asked. In reply I nodded my head.

"Okay, allow me to introduce myself I'm Loki. What's your name?" he asked.

" I'm (Y/N) " I answered.

" Well, nice to meet you (Y/N), do you by chance have a last name? " he asked.

" Obviously I do. " I answered.

" Do you know it? " He asked.

" No.... "

" Why is that? " He asked, again.

" I-I was taken from my mother at a very young age." I said sadly.

" I'm sorry to hear that. " he said. I just nodded my head solemnly, " Anyways, we should get you something to wear. " he said with a tint of pink on his cheeks.

" What do you mean? " I asked. He then gestured towards me, and I looked down,"................Oh.................." I said quietly to myself ( A/N: sorry I'm very awkward and....dirty minded soooo.......yeah, sorry about this scene ). Loki looked away quickly, Throwing underwear, a bra, maroon joggers, and a forest green t-shirt with a grey wolf on it.

" Thanks " I said to Loki, he turned around ( your dressed by now ) then started to laugh.

" What?! " I asked him.

" Y-you don't put the bra on your head. " ( again I apologize for the mostly awkward chapter ) he said wiping tears of laughter away from his eyes.

" Then how do you put it on? " I asked, he stopped laughing.

" You really don't know how, do you? "Loki said in a surprised manner. I shook my head no.

" Okay, let me go get Natasha to help you. " he said.

" There are other people here? " I asked.

" Yes " he answered. I started to growl, my black ears and tail popping out.

" Whoa (Y/N), calm down. These people are good, trust me. " Loki said, trying to calm me down.

" I'll believe you.... for now. " I said.

" Okay, great. Let me go get Natasha ( aka black widow ) " Loki said. Then he went down the elevator. As I watched him leave I thought ' What is this feeling? '

Loki's POV

As I was going down the elevator, I kept thinking about ( Y/N ). Her gorgeous ( H/C ), her ( E/C ) and how they seemed to sparkle like the night sky, and her cute and fluffy black ears and tail.... wait, what am I thinking? She could be taken for all I know but, I know I love her.

The elevator reached Natasha's floor, I got out and knocked on her door.

" Hello, how can I help you Loki? " Natasha asked.

A/N: Hey guys, I'm so sooo sorry you had to wait for a long period of time. It's just that it's finals week at school, I have sleep deprivation, and I got sick. Anyways i'm also sorry for the slightly awkward chapter.... Okay fine, mostly awkward. To make up the long wait I'm going to do another chapter after this one so, stay tuned! see you in a bit, and as always stay awesome my winged wolves :) ~ Kira 

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