Act 3: Change is - Inevitable

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Marceline, head of the King's Royal Guard and witting accomplice to the shenanigans of Mr. and Mrs. Raven, strides into the bread shop with her personal bodyguards Tik and Tok close behind. She has the aura of someone for whom bodyguards are a formality and a grave and twisted sort of strength seem to pour off of her in spades. 

Third is used to many warriors and travelers coming through for bread, so it doesn't perturb him. Though he is the only one in the shop at the moment. He doesn't recognize her right away and just barely notices on his periphery where Tik and Tok's bulk seem to block any sort of shop exit.

"May I help you?"

"Why- you're not the normal shop girl at all. What do you know about bread?"

"It's a family store, as is tradition in this kingdom, so I'm pretty knowledgeable. If you're looking for Katie-"

"No, no. Looking for bread. My- friends and I are about to start a long and strange and fantastical journey full of Dragons and dark magick. We need a hearty bread as companion for feasting and merriment and daredevilry."

Third comes out from behind the counter and heads toward a certain rounded loaf that is about more squat and dense than others. "This is a pretty nice oatmeal and rye. Pairs well with rinded cheese and cold sausage. Its got a little bit of black earth salt, which is nontraditional I know-"

"We wouldn't want to buck tradition though, would we?" Marceline hisses. "Tik, Tok- why don't we show this little baker's boy what we think of non-traditional bread and the like in our very traditional kingdom."

Tik begins by punching straight through and demolishing a section of crusty breads poking up out of a barrel. 

If Hawk knew what was happening, he'd certainly feel that slight twinge of fear and unease that always accompany him when he knows the Ravens are in the castle. He keeps the elderberries hidden but close. Especially for one without full magick use yet, the berries are one of the great things naturally provided by the small kingdom's wooded lands.

Further, where he's much too high off the ground in his own room, the royal lunching chamber is closer to the ground. He could easily jump from the windows for a quick exit if need be. He's certainly contemplated it more than once in the past.

He takes a breath a moment before he opens the royal lunching chamber doors. And of course The Ravens are dawdling there, barely eating but very present. He supposes with their black cloaks and their old, gnarled faces that Hawk should give them some kind of reverence for their knowledge and such. But it feels off to do so. Dishonoring though he can never quite say why. 

The King and the Queen eat informally on either side of the table and Hawk's place could be fixed nearer to either- though usually the place settings favor him next to his father. 

"Ah yes, the royal birthday Prince! Named after a great beast of prey!" Mrs. Raven's voice, which was usually quite melodic if not high pitched in her cave and among her millions of flowers was much too sharp here, echoing within the stone walls of the castle.

"And I do try to live up to the name," Hawk said, walking around the room a little and obviously favoring being closer to his parents. "Mother, Father. A pleasure as always. To our guests- could I offer you a drink? Perhaps some elderberry wine?"

Neither of the Ravens' faces showed any perceptible change at the offer. If anything, their tone became sweeter still. Mr. Raven is the one to speak afterwards. 

"No, no. We couldn't possibly. We've been offered such a jewel of a midday port that it would be nearly criminal to not accept it. The King and Queen are such fond and loving hosts after all. And an invitation to attend your birthday ball and yet. I feel so honored. As a gift in return, perhaps we could borrow you for just a moment and tell your fortune! Wouldn't that be a lovely old past time? It certainly couldn't hurt, what with such an important and ceremonial birthday upon us all!"

"Oh, that would be good fun," the Queen says, a little twinkle of merriment in her eyes. "You really should, my son."

"Unfortunately, I must be impolite and turn it down Mother," Hawk says, his eyes never leaving Mr. Raven as though he wished the other rooted to the spot- if only to keep him from making mischief. I just thought I'd come and greet our honored saviors before I go about my duties. After all, without Mr. and Mrs. Raven, how would we ever have maintained our position as such a quaint little giant adjacent kingdom?"

"Such a good prince and wise. And so noble to visit us," Mrs. Raven says cheerfully from across the table. If your wish is to find a bride as fair and judicious as you are noble and wise, surely that will come to you. If that is your wish."

"I wouldn't doubt that were I to speak it, you'd make all the wishes of my heart come true," Hawk said with a sort of flat sarcasm. "Father? Could I borrow you for a moment?"

"Anything you wish my son-" The King says, rising up to join his son, who is moving away from the Ravens. As soon as they are out of earshot, Hawk shoves the handkerchief filled with elderberries into his hand- not bursting a single berry.

The king pushes away the hand gently. "Now son, you mustn't be rude. As king you must work with people sometimes you don't have much of a stomach for. And we do owe them as much courtesy as we can muster. That is the hazard of your life as a royal. You're coming into your own and you know that we would all be dead or worse- dethroned- if not for them. So please find it in your heart to not accuse them of anything we could not recover from."

"I understand," Hawk says gently.

"Good. Now off to your map lesson, my boy. Study a little harder and your valet a little less while you're there, hmm? It does not do to mess with a valet's emotional state.  I will see you for your robe hemming later. No mysterious illnesses and no quips about dated honorary fashion. Tonight is a big night for you. Perhaps the biggest of your young life. We'll make you proud if you make us proud."

Hawk gives his father a soft smile. "I can't make many promises," he says. 

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