Sacrfice Something

Start from the beginning

"You do know. And if you want it, you need to ask just like you did yesterday. Otherwise its not gonna happen."

I looked at her back which was facing me.

There was a moment of silence.

"I don't want to inconvenience you."

"That's not asking."

She sighed and then took a moment.

"I need" She said faintly.

"Come here." I told her.

She turned around and laid her head on my pillow next to me.

Oak's little body was going up and down on my chest from my breathing. I rested my head against Avi's.

"I'm here then. I'm here."

Avielle POV-

"Look mommy. Look." Oak said excited showing me her handprint on her t-shirt.

Odell and I were on the floor making hand painted t-shirts with her. Yes plenty of newspaper was down so we wouldn't stain the floor.

"I see baby its so pretty."

"Its all over my hands." She held up her hand to me.

"We'll wash the paint off when you're done sweetheart. Just finish making the design you want."

"Pop-Pop do your hand on mine." Oak directed him to put his hand in the paint and then on the shirt.

Odell followed her command and did it.

"Mommy do yours too. But do yellow." She directed me.

I followed her command and did it.

"Yay." She said excited. "We all did it."

"Yes we all did it baby." I smiled at her, then looked at O.

He was scrolling through his phone with his unpainted hand.

He had spent the past two days here with me and Oak. Only leaving to run errands.

"O if you have to go. I understand." I said.

"I am going to have to go later. But I'm cool for now." He put his phone down and focused his attention on Oak, who was putting more colorful hand prints on her shirt.

"I appreciate you been there for me. Therapy has been stirring up a lot past demons and its just been hard to deal with."

"I feel ya." He said still watching Oak.

"Dr. Lee asked me three of my happiest memories. And I told her when Oak was born. When Shawn stole that suit and dress to take me to that father/daughter dance. And my last one was..."

He wasn't paying attention anyway. He was looking at Oak. Why bother I thought.

"Oak can you make me one to match yours?" I handed Oak a blank white T.

"Yes. Its gonna pretty." She said taking the shirt and laying in flat.

She was already a like a little grown person.

"You said three?" He looked at me with a serious expression.

"Oh umm...I can't remember the other one. When I think about it, I'll let you know." I said.

"Hm." He said then turned his attention to Oak.

"What are your three happiest memories?" I asked him.

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