Chapter 1 - Before Sunset

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for kamila

A/N: Just a couple of things I'd like you to know before you start: if rpf is not your thing, just click off this fic; I did take some creative liberty on what concerns the timeline, so stuff that is mentioned/places they visit may not have existed in the seventies, I apologize in advance; I do use/paraphrase some parts from Carrie's books, as a way of making it feel more like them.

Rating: T (for now)

This first chapter goes out to my love, Kamila for all the encouraging words and unconditional love. A huge thanks to everyone who's read my fics here on wattpad, it means the world that you support me!

Review!! Writers live off of it!


"Come with me this weekend," Carrie says. "Out of the country."

It's Friday and Carrie and Harrison are making out in a prop closet, away from the prying eyes of fellow cast and crew. It's been a long, tension-filled week. This had been the week of filming their first on-screen kiss on the Falcon. Even though they'd done it countless times before, in the safety of their cocoon, it had been beyond nerve-racking to do it in front of everyone on set.

Carrie awaits his response patiently, her back against a shelf of plastic blasters. "Carrie, we can't just go."

"Why not? We'll just catch a train and go somewhere in Europe." She insists, clutching his arm.

"Yeah, but," a broken lightsaber falls against his back, and he shoves it aside. "People will notice we're missing."

"We'll be gone for just two nights." She sands on her tiptoes. "A lot can happen in two nights, it'll be easy to explain." Her lips stick to his momentarily before he whispers:

"I want to go, so badly." She smiles widely. "But I can't." her smiles fades.

"Come on. Let's go somewhere where we won' have to hide between droids."

"I do hate this closet." He mumbles absentmindedly.

"Well, let's go then!" she jumps from one foot to the other, impatient to get out of there and get on a train.

"It's too risky, Carrie." He pauses. "Isn't it?" he cocks one eyebrow.

"No, you see. Because here's what we'd do: we'd catch a train in a couple of hours, arrive at night and walk around, find a hotel in the center, and then catch a train back on Sunday afternoon."

"And... how many times have you done this?" she shrugs.

"A couple. Never been caught, too." She winks at him convincingly.

"Never." He echoes, pondering her plan for a few seconds.

"We'll just have to tell someone about our plan, to safeguard it. Someone who'll notice we're gone." She explains.

"Mark?" It's the first person that comes to mind.

"We can't tell him. He'll blab about it." She answers swiftly. "I love him to death, but we can't tell him."

"Who, then?" Harrison questions.

"Anthony will keep our secret, I think." She tries.

"Yeah, okay. Anthony will have to do."

She bites her lower lip: "Where would you go?" she asks. "Name a place that you've never been before."

"Barcelona." Carrie's surprised at how fast Harrison answers.


"For starters, it's not a fridge like London." He chuckles. "And I hear the architecture is beautiful."

a heart in barcelona - a carrison fanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant