Chapter 17- Goodbye

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After the movie finished, I realized that I was the only one awake. Cole was sleeping kind -of sitting up with my head on his shoulder. I glanced around to see that Will was curled up in the corner of the couch next to Gabe, whose feet were on top of Will. Dana was snuggled with Sierra underneath a blanket on the floor. Dalton wasn't there, so I assumed he moved to his bunk.

Deciding that I was thirsty, I carefully stepped out of the living room and towards the kitchen. I was filling my glass when I heard a muffled thud, followed by hushed profanities. I heard a door swing open quietly and peered around the corner to see Dalton's head turn towards the living room, before he turned to face me.

"Dalton? What was that noise?" I asked quietly.

"Nothing. Just fell out of my bed."

"Really?" I asked, sensing something wasn't right.

He looked as if he was contemplating something before replying. "No. I'm doing something."

"What kind of a something?"

He was about to return before Cole shifted on the couch.

"C'mere." He said, reaching for my hand and pulling me into his room.

When I got inside his room, I saw clothes all over the floor and a suitcase on his bed.

"What is this for?" I asked, gesturing to the suitcase.

"I'm packing."


"Because I'm leaving."

"Like a vacation?" I asked.

"More of a permanent vacation."

"I don't understand." I said confused.

"Like I said, I'm leaving. As in not coming back.

"Why? Was someone mean to you?" I asked urgently.

"No, no. It's just that I've always had a dream to be more of an alternative musician, not part of a pop boy band. It's not that I don't like the guys, I'm just not crazy about the music." He explained.

"That's respectable." I tell him honestly. "It's ok that you want to leave. You're not happy with this particular situation."

"Yeah. I'm glad you understand." He told me, pulling me into a hug.

"Do the boys know?" I ask as the hug ends.

"Not exactly. I'm going to tell them when they're all awake. I leave tomorrow night."

"Do you want me to help you tell them?"

"No, no. I have to do this myself." He tells me.

"Ok, I respect that."

"Thanks Faith." He tells me. "We should both get back to bed."

"Got it. See you tomorrow. Good luck." I tell him.

"Thanks, I'm probably gonna need it."

"Don't worry, you'll be okay."

"Good night."

"Good night Dalton." I say, walking out of his room and pulling the door shut.

I walk back towards the living room and take my place back on the couch, drifting to sleep, hoping tomorrow goes well.


I woke up to the sound of yelling.

"What do you mean you're leaving?!" I recognized as Cole yelling, quickly realizing what was being discussed.

I got up off my seat on the couch to see everyone in the kitchen standing around Dalton, who was sitting in a kitchen chair, looking ashamed.

"How could you not tell us?" Will asked sadly.

Dalton was about to respond when Gabe cut him off.

"Do you not trust us?"

"No! I do trust you, I was just waiting for the right time." Dalton explained quietly.

"Within 24 hours notice isn't the best timing, in case you hadn't noticed!" Cole yelled, causing Dalton to flinch.

"Let's see what Faith has to say about this." Will said. "Dalton just told us he's -"

"I know. And I respect his choice, because it's what he wants, why are you all being so negative about this?" I asked.

"Wait? You knew.." Gabe questioned.

"Yeah, Dalton told me last night." I said.

"You told her before us?" Cole asked sadly.

"I knew she wouldn't freak out." He explained.

"How could you know that? You barely know her. All of us barely know her. What makes you think you can trust her? Once this tour ends we're going to go back to Hollywood and she's gonna go back to wherever it is she came from and go right back to what she was before. A nobody who thought she was gonna catch her big break!" Gabe yelled, looking between me and Dalton.

I felt my eyes watering, and Dalton looked at me apologetically. Cole must've caught his gaze and followed it to me, before a broken expression covered his features.

"Excuse me?" I said coldly to Gabe, everyone's attention turning to me.

"Fait-" he began.

"Save it. I heard what you said. Is that really what you think of me? I'm a nobody? We'll let me tell you, that's exactly what I was. And I thought I explained that to you. I thought you cared, but I guess I was wrong. I guess you didn't. I hoped this would be my chance, but obviously not. So just forget everything that I said to you, because it obviously never mattered. I obviously don't matter you. Maybe it should be me who's leaving, instead of Dalton. I bet you would all prefer it. You've known him longer right. I'm just a nobody. You said it yourself." I ranted.

By the end of my rant, I was in tears, will and Dana were looking at me apologetically, and Dalton and Cole were glaring at Gabe, who was looking to the floor.

I turned swiftly on my heel and went to my bedroom. Closing the door and locking it behind me.

I dropped to my knees and collapsed into a fit of tears. I heard banging on my door, but just ignored it.

I heard yelling outside my door, and tried to hear what was being said.

"I can't believe you Gabe. That was ridiculous." I hear Dana yell.

"You knew that she was worried about not making it." Cole yelled.

"You are so insensitive. I'm pretty sure she's gonna hate all of us now. Nice work, you ruined this whole experience." I heard Will yell, which concerned me, because I rarely heard him yell, but when he did, it was scary.

"I'm sorr-"

"No! You don't get to say that. You blew it." Dalton yelled. I head shuffling, and the sound of wheels rolling, then a door slamming.

That was the last time I saw Dalton in a long time.


Hello lovelies.

I want to start by saying that I am so so so so sorry for not updating in a good while. I was away on several vacations the past few weeks, but I'm here.

And I honestly was also putting off having to write off Dalton, because when I found out I was devastated, and I knew I was going to have to re-live it writing this. And I may or may not have cried writing this.

But I'll update soon, and see you soon!


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