You see last time when sonic talk to his forms out loud some people look at him like he was crazy. He had to come up with an excuse for his actions or he would be sent to the crazy house....and sonic will not go back there,...never again.

Sonic fix the ear buds in his ear as he started to slow down and started to walk as he saw that the city was only about 5 minutes up ahead, so why not slow down and think about a min.

" I don't know Spine....maybe I can take him to the mall?"

'Hell No! That place is pack, and you know how I feel around to much people. Let's not forget what the last time happened when we was alone.' DSS stated as sonic started to think about what happened the last time.

You see DSS is really not a fan around too much people like a crowd. The last time when they was in a crowd people started to get out of hand and knowing Darkspine he can have his moods, which can make sonic fall into his moods as well.

Sonic shock his head as he felt an sweatdrop form a bit and groan a bit as he remember that event.

"Yea......welp hell I don't know, an walk in the part I guess?"

'Wait!, why not ask him to go to the light show at Emerald Park?' DSS stated as sonic ear twich a bit as he look up a bit seeing DSS cross his legs as he think about it.

"How did you about the lights show?"

'You not the only one who looks at T.V hedgehog.'

"Well I guess that can work too...let's hurry before it gets really late!" Sonic said as he walk into the city as DSS nods and disappear leaving sonic on his own.

As the time past sonic finally made it to his firends bar place. He slowly opened the door as he took out his ear buds. Some people wave at the hero and other would get up and ask for his artograph or to take a pic with him. Sonic wasn't really in the mode to do all that stuff, but as a good person how can he not say no. Besides he love to see everyone have a smile on they face. As sonic sign some books and paper and also took some pictures he smiled and wish some people a good day.

Sonic sigh a bit as he made his war to the bar to see Rouge fixing some beers as she had a smile on her face. Sonic smile as he started to take a seat behind her so she can see him when she turn around to give whoever order the beer. The blue hedgehog look around for an black and red hedgehog hoping if he made it time to see if they can hang out tonight, but no luck as sonic didn't see the person he was looking for.

"Well if it ain't big blue." The bat said as sonic ear twitched as an small smile came to his lips.

"Hey Rouge! You have any idea where your hedgehog could be at?" Sonic ask as Rouge smirk and eye the back room as sonic look back to see shadow washing some dishes.

"He's clean up some dishes, why what's up?"

"Well I was gonna ask if he would hang out with me for a bit tonight, but looks it can't happen since it so pack in here."

"WHAT!, nah you can have shadow for the night hun. I can always call for back up!." Rouge said as he hurry and walk to the back for shadow.

Sonic was kinda shock a bit that she almost yell, but he wounder why she would rush to the back. Most time she would say that he have to stay...but tonight was kinda off.....

'ugh, this place crowded as shit man!' DSS said as came to view a bit to sonic. Sonic ear twitched as heard DSS.

'Just hold on, it won't be long' Sonic said throw link as DSS huff and disappear as shadow walk up to sonic and smile. Sonic smile as he felt his tail wag. Sonic don't know what his body was doing to him....but waging his tail was new to him.

"What are you doing here this time of night hedgehog?" Shadow ask as sonic smirk and look shadow.

"Well I came to see you. I was wondering if we could hangout tonight and see the lights show at the park if you don't mind." Sonic said as he rub the back of his neck and laughed nervously. Shadow smile, but then sigh as he remember that he still have to work for Rouge tonight. Shadow look at sonic as his ears goes down a bit.

"I would love to hangout with you, but I..."

"But, he needs to clock out hun!." Rouge cut into the covo as she look at shadow and smile. Shadow was surprised that his friend would let him go on his shift.


"What shadow, I think tonight is a nice night to have some time and fun...besides mighty coming in to take your shift for the night. Now go clock out and have fun with big blue!" She said as she wink at shadow and walk away leaving shadow and sonic who was look at her and smile.

"Uhhh...give a min will ya?"

"Yeah! Sure thing...i'm outside waiting!" Sonic said as he got up for his seat and walk out the place as shadow smile and walk to the back and sign out.

As shadow got his scaf, Rouge walk up to him and place an hand on his shoulder.

"Hey! Have a good time suger bear, and if y'all get far enough make sure to pull out an con-"


"What, haha. Be safe" Rouge said as walk off as shadow walk outside to see sonic standing waiting for him.

"Ready?" Sonic ask as shadow was by his side nods.

Sonic and shadow started to walk to the park talking how they week was going so far. While DSS keep an look out on what about to come soon...


Yes, this chapter was bad but pls forgive me. Hope you like!

Strange Vibesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें