Offers out

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As the sun rose in the morning so did Leviticus he was woken by yelling between Jean and Eren. The two idiots didn't see his fists until it was too late for them to dodge.

(POV: Leviticus)

Me: It's to early for your bullshit arugment, idiots.

Eren: Who the hell are you calling an idiot!

Me: You! dumbass.

Jean: Hey, Leviticus right...?

Me: What is it horseface?

Jean: HEY!

Eren: HA! told you!

Jean: Anyway... what is up with nina? Is she single?

Me: Why are you asking me that?

Jean: Well, your her friend right?

Me: Yeah so?

Jean: I thought that you could help me try to
get her to date me.

Me: why the hell would I do that for?

Jean: Mikasa won't date me so I got to move on.

Me: If you want to date Nina you will have to ask her yourself, Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go eat breakfast.

I left the two idiots to fight or whatever they do. As I was walking to the Mess hall I felt someone following me and I wanted to know who this person was and what they wanted. I turned the corner and hide behind Crates until the mysterious person showed up to my suprise It was the last person I would expect... Annie. She was a person who never really liked anyone or cared about anything or one. So why was she following me? I decided that I should confront her to find out why she was following me. I stepped out form behind the crates and asked.

Me: Why are you following me Annie?

This caused her to jump and spun around to face me.

Annie: I wasn't...

Me: Then why were you watching yesterday and following me today?

Annie didn't respond which was not making herself look any better

Me: Annie if you have something to say then just say it, or else i'm going to leave.

Annie: ... I have an... offer for you.

Me: And what is this offer you speak of?

I was intrested in what this offer was, The only thing is would it be worth it?

Annie: It could make you the strongest man here and we could even be friends.

Me: what's the offer?...

Fire and bloodजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें