Chapter 5: Which Fight Is It?

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Kristen muttered under his breath as he snuck off to the lunchroom.

Alex and Ethan weren't at the table, which was kinda expected. Alex finally came out as pansexual. Ethan grinned and pulled him in for a kiss.

Kristen sat down next to Saige, who was having a heated debate with Angelina about whither or not Alex would lose his V card by the month's end.

"Yep. With they way they can't seem to keep their hands to themselves, bet you forty dollars that Alex is a bottom and that he'll lose his V card by the end of the month." Kristen stated, tapping the table. Angelina grinned.

"Bet you fifty dollars that he'll lose it by the next week and that he's a bottom and has a wall sex kink."

Saige smirked. "If we're doing it like that, bet you both sixty dollars that he'll lose it before the day is done and is a bottom and has a wall sex kink and likes it rough."

Saige shook hands with them and smirked, bitting into her apple.

Alex walked in minutes later, grinning like an idiot, notable messed up and flushed. He slid next to Saige, running a hand trough his hair.

"Hey, Alex, my dear Hufflepup, what happened?" Saige asked, straight faced. Alex blushed and muttered that Ethan asked him on a date. Saige grinned.

"And, where, little Hufflepup?"

"Movies, short Slyther."

Saige huffed at the nickname, having failing to lose it during Freshmen year. Kristen chuckled, ruffling Saige's hair.

"Ah, come on, Slyther! It fits you! Right, Ravencunt?" He shoved Angelina's arm and laughed when she pushed back.

"Right, Gryffindick!" She laughed.

Alex flushed, muttering that he had weird friends. Saige slung on arm around his shoulder.

"Yeah, but it'd be boring having normal friends!" She laughed, her choppy hair flying in many directions. Kristen snorted, reaching across the table and stealing Alex's breadstick.

"You gonna eat this?" He asked, holding it up. Alex shook his head, much to Kristen's delight.


Saige eyed the bread before lunging at it. She almost got it.

Key word; almost.

Kristen held it higher then her arm could reach.

"Dude! Not fair!" She yelled, reaching more. Angelina snickered before plucking the breadstick from Kristen's hand and taking a bite. Saige and Kristen stared at her, annoyed.

"Oh no you didn't." Saige laughed, chucking her apple at Angelina.

The girl shrieked, swatting it away. "Saige!" She yelled. "Gross!" Saige laughed, throwing her head back and gripping the table to keep her balance. Angelina stuck her tongue out.

"Hey, kindergarten! Mind keeping it down? The big kids want to have adult conversation!" Wendy from the Flagger table called, the lunchroom roaring with laughter.

Alex shot out a response faster. "We would if we weren't talking about your pathetic love life! What, you're on like the 15th guy this month?" Wendy's mouth snapped shut, Alex grinning ear to ear. Kristen high-fived him. Saige hugged him, nearly crumbling with laughter. Angelina gave him a fist-bump.

Then a pear flew at the band table. The fruit hit a Bander, March, on the back of the head, also hitting two other students.

"Ew! Gross, so very gross!" He screamed, shaking it out. He grit his teeth. "Oh, it is on." He growled, taking a handful of peppers and throwing them at the Flaggers. It hit Vena head-on.

The whole room went silent, even Saige, who was known to laugh at the misfortune of Flaggers.

Vena turned. She picked a pepper out of her hair. "Okay, this means war, Banders." She hissed, throwing the peppers back at the Banders.

Pretty soon, every student had either gotten covered in food or taken cover. Most of the students took cover, all except the Banders and Flaggers.

"Kristen Jacobs! Vena Mack! My office, now!" The principal demanded, walking in the middle of the room. The Banders froze.

A shattering sound gained everyone's attention.

"It's the cops. Something happened!" A student yelled, panicked. The principal yelled for everyone to stay calm and told them to take cover in the nearest rooms.

Kristen clapped, pointing at Saige, Alex and March. "You three, lead as many as you can to the back practice rooms. Lock the doors. You know the rule." They nodded, herding as many as they could with them. Vena watched, strolling over to the blond teen.

"That was strange." She stated simply. Kristen snorted.

"I could say the same for you."

When everyone was in the back practice rooms, the two let every text their parents about what happened, telling them not to come just in case. Then friends huddled together, boyfriends pulled their girlfriends close and vis versa.

Kristen sat down next to a new student who was clearing freaking out. He coaxed the student into calming down, getting them quiet.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2018 ⏰

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