Sebastian's Week Away

Start from the beginning

"Is he asleep?" San asks as she was getting Brittany out of her car seat.

"Yup, he's out" I chuckle as I grab his car seat. We head inside and Britt goes of to play. San and I talked whilst we made lunch and Blaine soon woke up.

"Hey baby" I coo as I get him out, Britt standing beside me.

"E 'wake" Brittany giggles as she points at Blaine.

"That's right"

"Now, we need to change his nappy" I tell her. I take him to his changing table that we kept downstairs and changed his nappy whilst Brittany played with him and was making him laugh.

"Ok, shall we go get some lunch, Britt?" I ask her.

"Yeah" she cheers as she runs off to the kitchen before I could even pick Blaine up off the table. I place Blaine in his highchair whilst Santana does the same to Brittany and we soon give them their lunch. We soon eat lunch before letting the kids go play again.

"You gonna show auntie Santana and Brittany your new walker?" I coo at Blaine. He soon squeals as he crawls to his walker and gets himself up, Brittany stood behind him and pushed him slightly.

"No, Brittany, don't push, let him do it" Santana tells her off.

"Come on then, Blaine" I try and encourage him. He soon walks to us with the help of his walker.

"Oh wow, it won't be long until he starts walking" Santana tells me as we clear the kitchen up.

"I know"

"I need to get Blaine down for a nap and sort through all of his toys that he owns" I say to San.


"Come on mister, let's go down for a nap" I say as I pick Blaine up and take him upstairs. I change his nappy before lying him in his crib with his bottle and tucking him in with his blanket. I then grab his toy box and his bath toys before going to my room and grabbing the toy box from in there, they were only small toys boxes anyway. I take them down and empty every box as well as the one downstairs.

"Do you want me to grab a bin bag?" San asks.

"Urm, yes please" she comes back with a bin bag and she helps me sort through his toys.

"What are you doing, missy?" I chuckle slightly as I felt Brittany behind me, her arms coming around my neck. I managed to grab behind me and grab her before pulling her to the front of me and tickling her.

"Nooo" she laughs as she tried to get away.

"Mummy" she tries to call for help.

"Nope, you got yourself into this mess" San chuckles.

"Ah" she laughs.

"Ok ok" I say as I stop so she could breathe. Santana soon settles her down in her bouncy chair that was kept here and we finished sorting out the toys and I put back the ones that stayed in the living room and then the ones in my bedroom.

"I'll put his bath toys back once he's awake but if I do need him to be entertained in his bedroom, I'll just bring the toys from my room" I explain to San.

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