Little Stark - [T.H] (part three) (old)

Start from the beginning

Peter instantly tensed, though she didn't seem to notice. His face began to grow hot at how close she was. He could feel her hot breath fan his face. He was surprised when the notebook he was writing on-the one that was filled with all of his notes- was snatched up. He turned to look at her as she grinned in triumph.  He tried to hide his blush and nerves as he playfully glared up at her. 

"C'mon N/n, give it back." 

She shook her head, still grinning, as she clutched the notebook to her chest. "No. You need to take a break, come get lunch with me, and then, you can continue to study for the boring Chem test. " 

He thought it over for a moment, "Promise you'll give it back?" 

Her grin only widened as she held out her pinky. "Promise." 

Peter chuckled nervously as he linked his pinky finger with her own. 

He stood up and glanced over his shoulder towards Ned, who seemed to be smirking a little. "You coming?" 

Ned's smirk faltered a little as he cleared his throat before shaking his head. "Nah, I want to finish this first, i'm almost done. But uh, bring me back something?" 

Y/n smiled, "Of course." She turned on her heel and walked out of her room, Peter following closely behind. 

They walked over to the kitchen and Y/n leaned against the counter as Peter opened up her fridge. 

"Is it just me, or has he been acting weird lately?" She asked, tilting her head a little to one side. 

Peter shrugged a little as he shut her fridge before looking over towards her. "I don't know.. He's Ned, he kinda always acts weird." He chuckles. 

She nodded slowly, "Yeah, okay.. But I mean, he's kinda been acting, different." 

He rose one of his eyebrows slightly, "How so?" He leaned against the counter on the opposite side of her. 

"I don't really know.. He's been kinda distant I guess. He's always leaving the two of us alone. You'd think he was the one hiding a secret identity." She mumbled, glancing around the room. 

Peter nodded, "Now that you mention it, he has been distant. Do you think we should ask him about it?" 

Y/n shook her head as she walked over to the fridge and opened it, "No. In my experience with people acting funny, they only clamp up more and lie straight to your face if you confront them.. Damn, there is nothing to eat in here.." 

He sighed, "Then what do we do?" 

She shut the fridge and pulled her phone out of her pocket, "We can trick him into telling the truth?" 

He looked sceptical, "How would we do that?" 

"We can spy on him? See what he does when he's not with us?" She glanced up from her phone at him and shrugged. 

"I don't know, my dad's the smart one, not me." She began typing something on her phone, removing her attention away from him. 

"I think you're smart.." Peter muttered. 

"What was that?" 

"Nothing! I uh, I said that that's a good idea." He flushed and looked away, hoping she wouldn't catch his blush. 

"Okay, weirdo. You want pizza?" She looked back up from her phone again. 

"What?" He deadpanned. 

She made 'really' face, "To order, I'm going to ask Happy to pick us up something since he's out already." 

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬 - 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫-𝐌𝐚𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now