IV. Pretty Little Fears

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As Nicki watched Beyoncé fumble with the stereo system her hormones were in overdrive and she knew it was the drug settling into her system, the constant ache that was always between her legs when Beyoncé was around seemed to be intensified 10 fold, multiple thoughts and scenarios of her and the blonde ran through her head, most of them including the two of them closer then words could express.

Nicki clenched her legs tightly trying to relieve the pulse in between her legs and the thoughts in her head, but she couldn't, it seemed her mind was stuck on it now.

She wanted to act on her feelings so bad, but she really didn't even know the first thing about them, she was innocent, not even having had her first kiss yet.

Things like this plagued her, especially when she thought about Beyoncé who seemed so...experienced, just by the way people flocked to her and the way she carried herself. Not to mention she was younger than her and Ming's little sister, every reason was there for why Nicki knew she had no chance with her.

Just as she was about to think herself into a bad mood one of her favorite songs started playing over the speakers but what had her even more shaken up was a voice she never expected to hear singing along. She looked up to see Beyoncé singing along perfectly to the song.

'Spotlights, big stage
Fifty thousand fans screamin' in a rage
Bodyguards and limousines
This is the way I see you in my dreams
Paparazzi flash, hundred pictures all of you
Hangin' on my bedroom wall
I'm a kid again, I feel like thirteen
But I knew since we fell in love...'

Just as the chorus came in Beyoncé had stopped singing and Nicki found herself in a stare off with the older girl, and if she didn't know any better she was sure a light blush had settled over Beyoncé's butterscotch features.

"Y-you can sing?" Nicki asked surprised, it seemed there was nothing the older girl couldn't excel at.

Nicki watched Beyoncé rub a hand behind her neck sheepishly as she walked towards her handing her back the blunt.

She watched as Beyoncé took a seat on the couch leaning all the way back leaving a nice view of her slim waist and long legs, Nicki did her best to keep her eyes focused solely on the older girls face.

"Something like that." Beyoncé said nonchalantly like the pipes on her weren't something serious.

"Y-you could really go somewhere with a voice like that...why don't you?" Nicki asked apprehensively, she didn't know much, if anything about Beyoncé's personal life, but she knew talent when she saw it.

"It's no point, I'm too caught up with a lot of shit." Beyoncé said dismissively, Nicki wanted to question further about what could possibly have her caught up but she could tell by the way the older girls jaw clenched it wouldn't be a plausible move.

"Enough about me...what's up with you?" Beyoncé asked angling her body towards Nicki, Nicki felt herself blush slightly at the older girl seemingly giving her undivided attention to her.

"What do you mean?" Nicki questioned while handing the blunt back, she noticed the song had switched to Mya's 'it's all about me'.

She watched Beyoncé take a deep pull before the smoke flowed out her nose slowly.

"You never have anything to say to me...and I'm pretty sure if weren't in this predicament right now...you still wouldn't." Beyoncé said with slight smirk and low red eyes.

Nicki was at a lost for words, she was almost sure Beyoncé had never even paid her the slightest attention, but obviously she was wrong.

"I'm just quiet...I guess." Nicki said meekly while folding her arms across her chest.

Beyoncé let out a shrill laugh before passing the blunt back which was almost gone.

"Now me and you both know that's a lie, you light up around Kelly and everyone else...maybe you just don't like me all that much." Beyoncé said while shrugging her shoulders, but that was the furthest thing from the truth.

"That's not true!" Nicki blurted out unintentionally, wishing she could take back as soon as she said it, the drug had her becoming bold.

"Is it now?" Beyoncé asked with an almost knowing look on her face.

"I-I...don't know...I just...you're Ming's best friend." Nicki trailed off while setting the blunt in the makeshift ash tray, not knowing how to formulate exactly what she wanted to into proper words.

"And that means we can't be friends?" Beyoncé asked with an amused look on her face, Nicki wanted to melt into the plush couch and just dead the whole conversation, but she had already put herself out there by opening her mouth in the first place.

"No...w-we can be friends...if you want." Nicki said shyly, only Beyoncé could fluster her like this, never had she met someone who had her stumbling the way the older girl did.

Beyoncé smiled brightly exposing a deep dimple on her cheek.

"It's what I want...now let's go eat." The older girl spoke before standing up and walking towards the kitchen.

Nicki sat back for a few moments recollecting the conversation they'd just had, her and Beyoncé were friends now, something she never expected to happen.

She couldn't help but wonder what it would lead to.



Omg don't kill me

Trash af ik!

Finally an update!

Sheesh this took way longer than expected 🌚

But WOW what a moment!


Y'all thought they was finna get freaky 😭


Not yet atleast🥴

So the kids smoked

They talked...

Beyoncé can sing but doesn't want to cuz she's 'caught up'

What do you think she's caught up in? We hardly know ANYTHING about her🤦🏽‍♀️

Nicki's reaction to everything?

Them becoming 'friends'?

Excuse any errors

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