Flaming 2!

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Hey!!! I'm back with a new chapter!! :D Been gone for awhile, and I'm sorry!! Now, enjoy~ 💙


Gareki finally woke up after 1 day of sweating, breathing heavily, and feeling sick. Yogi hugged Gareki after seeing he was fine. He soon let go after the little kid said," Y-You're squishing me!" Gareki looked around the place and asked after getting let go," Where are we?"

Yogi explained," We're in a flying ship! We're heading to a tower where the doctor will give you a check up."

Gareki was really surprised to be in a "flying ship," but acted like he wasn't. The youngster touched his sides to make sure it was healed then flinched at the touch. He was soon scolded by Yogi in a motherly way," Your injuries haven't healed yet!! don't try to touch your sides, Gareki-kun!" Gareki gave an "okay" sign to say that he gets it. He started to walk out of the hall with Yogi following him behind. Gareki asked," By the way. How old are you? I'm 10."

Yogi patted Gareki on the head and replied," I'm 16!"

Gareki was shocked he examined Yogi from top to bottom multiple times before he finally accepted that this man who looked about 19 rather was 16 years-old. Gareki asked," Let's just forget about what I just asked. Anyways, When will we be eating?" Yogi laughed and dragged Gareki to a door. It automatically opened up and inside of the door was a huge amazing table filled with delicious, fine food!

The chairs looked very rich and the room matched the dinner table too! Gareki looked around with awe. Yogi chuckled before walking to one of the sheep guarding/watching them." Can you call Hirato to join us?" Yogi asked.

The sheep replied," Bwaah~ okay." Yogi smiled then returned to Gareki's side. He was still exploring the dining room. Yogi chuckled a bit more and poked the little boy with his index finger while questioning," Do~ you~ want~ to~ eat~ yet~?"

Gareki glared at Yogi to never talk to with with that tone again, it creeped him out.

He understood and soon, the room was silent until Hirato appeared making a huge, awkward appearance. He walked in smiling with a very terrifying aura while saying," Hello, Gareki. I heard you've been saved by Yogi -sort of- and brought to this place because of him also." Gareki nodded and Yogi was fidgeting nervously in his seat which he immediately stopped once he heard the door open. It was Akari. Yogi shivered and was ready to run off and hide until he heard Gareki say," Are you scared?" Yogi shook his head.

" No! I'm not! I just-I'm just. Ya ~sigh~ I'm scared." Gareki replied," Wimp." Yogi was offended! He shouted," I'm not a wimp!!!!" Hirato cut in, and asked," Akari, what brings you here?" He replied," Have you seen Azana? I've been searching for him around the ship, however I've failed." Akari hummed for awhile, and said," Maybe you should check the research tower once more." Akari nodded, and before leaving, he looked at Yogi," Bye, Yogi."

The blonde teen gulped," G-good b-bye." Once Akari left, Yogi sighed in relief. He didn't have any grudge on the doctor, it's just that Yogi was terrified of him because of traumatizing him with a surgery he had to do when he was younger. Gareki stared at Yogi, trying to figure out why he's so happy the man left. Hirato glanced at his watch then said impassively," I need to go right now, Yogi and Gareki. I apologize for the early leaving. Goodbye, you two."

Yogi waved bye, and Gareki also. Once Hirato left, Yogi asked Gareki," After eating, do you want a tour of this ship?" Gareki smiled which meant a yes. Once the food came out, they started to munch. They were finished, completely emptying their plates. Yogi held Gareki's hand creating a invisible blush on Gareki's cheeks.

The tour was a bit longer than expected, but it was exciting.

Gareki got to see the ship's deck which made him surprise at how high up they were from the ground. It was night, and everyone had to sleep, no one could get out of their rooms because of a reason Gareki couldn't know. It was time for lights out, and everybody fell asleep except for Gareki. He wanted to sleep with Yogi since he was still traumatized about the orphanage, however, Gareki didn't want to accept it. After a couple of minutes, he heard a knock on his locked door. The little 10 year-old curiously opened the door to see Yogi, the one he wanted to see. Yogi quickly slipped into the room, closing the door and locking it before any sheep noticed them. Once that was done, Gareki whispered," Why are you here?"

Y-" I was worried about you, Gareki-kun!"

G-" You didn't need to be."

Y-" -pout- Well I am~!!!"

Gareki smiled just a little, and said," Since you're already here, let's just sleep. I'm tired."

Yogi nodded happily, and laid on Gareki's bed with him. It was warmer than sleeping alone with Nyanperownas. Five minutes have passed, and little Gareki was sleeping comfortably in Yogi's amazingly warm embrace. The blonde fell asleep first apparently, and Gareki surprisingly didn't deny the extra body heat since the company was comfortable.

It was a bright night.

No matter how you see it.


:D Sorry about the REALLY late update!!! I wanted to make this chapter longer so here you go! I hope this chapter isn't too bad!!! 😀 Oh, and I have an anime suggestion to everyone! If you LOVE action, watch Tokyo Ghouls and Terror in Tokyo! If you LOVE comedy, watch Barakamon! It's hilarious! 😋 That's all! Hope you read my next update!!

(Karneval) Yogi X Gareki- Seeing Colors for the First TimeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant