"We have a lunch meeting with your maternal grandparents and after that--"

"Wait. The meeting with my mother's parents is tomorrow?!"

"Yes, Lupe. Don't interrupt me."

He continued listing out my schedule but I didn't hear another word. I knew that we were scheduling a meeting but I didn't think it would be the day after I got back. What was I going to say to them? I had so many questions but I needed time to organize them.

Ignoring Marcus calling after me, I got up and left the living room and headed straight to my bedroom to get my thoughts out. I was unsurprised to see that Marcus had followed me to my room and perched himself on the edge of my bed while I changed in my closet.

"Lupe! Your phone is ringing!" he called.

I padded back into the room, tugging my hair into a ponytail and taking my phone from him. I felt a shiver of glee run through my body and smiled. It was Brett.


"Hey Lupita," came his smooth voice. "I just got Malachi laid down and wanted to make sure you got home okay."

"Yeah, I did," I replied with a smile. "Marcus and I just ordered some takeout and we're going to watch a movie."

I frowned when I got no response. "Brett? Are you still there?"

"Yeah I'm here," he answered after a moment. "Is he spending the night?"

"I doubt it. We both have to work early tomorrow."

"Oh. Okay." I could hear the tension in his voice.

"By the way," I started, trying to lighten the mood. "I know we have a project meeting with my father tomorrow afternoon. Did you want to grab dinner afterward?"

"That would be great! I'll make reservations at that new Ramen place near your office. Is that okay?"

"Sounds good to me!"

"Alright. Well...goodnight Lupita."

"Good night. I'll text you tomorrow."

I hung up the phone and avoided looking at Marcus.


"Hmm?" I settled into the bed and took the takeout container from Marcus.

"Was that Brett?"

"Yeah. Why?"

He hesitated for a moment and then shook his head. "No reason. I think I'm going to go home though. I'm a little tired myself. I'll come for you in the morning. Please be ready."

He kissed me on the forehead and left before I could process what was happening. Eventually, I shrugged it off and dove into my chow mein, trying to figure out what exactly I wanted to ask my grandparents.

After a fitful night of sleep, I got up feeling both excited and nervous about what lay ahead. I was finally going to get some answers about my mother. The ride to work with Marcus was rather uneventful, aside from him telling me that he wanted me to meet his new girlfriend, Honey.

"Her actual name is Honey?" I asked in disbelief.

Marcus snorted. "Yes, it is."

"Is this the same girl Tia Maria wanted you to date?"

He nodded. "Yeah, our mothers sing in the church choir together."

"What does Miss Honey do?"

"She's a teacher."

Atypical Heiress: The Penelope Marino Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें