Chapter Fifty-Six

Start from the beginning

"Like prison," she murmured softly, burying her head in his chest. "I don't know if I can do all of that again."

He knew what she meant. Gabriel. The way she'd been trapped inside, like a prison.

"It won't be anything like that," said Drew gently. "You'll have me this time."

She looked into his eyes. "What about Gurk?"

He laughed. "Dirk, darling. I'll talk to him. I'm sure I can work something out, okay?"

"What if... what if you don't? How will we get money?"

Drew didn't answer her, silently stroking her hair, already missing it. It would start falling out again soon- he didn't mind, of course not, but he loved seeing her hair long. "It'll be okay," he breathed. "Everything will be. I know it will be."

She cuddled up to him, and they kissed again, gently. "I've missed you so much. I'm so sorry I've been distant."

"Don't apologise. I've done my fair share of being a dickhead." He put his hand over Elle's stomach. "We're gonna get through this. You, me, Winter. All of us."

Her head was heavy, as were her eyelids. "Baby, can I sleep here with you? I've... I've missed you so much, I just-"

"I know. I want to be close to you, too." He nuzzled his nose against her hair. "Sleep, my darling."

And for the first time in what had to be forever, she fell asleep with him stroking her back.


"Sir, I need to talk to you." Drew was in Dirk Cooper's office, dreading their conversation.

"Ah, my favourite employee. And how are you, Drew Greene?"

"I need to ask for a raise."

"A raise?" said Dirk, his eyebrows disappearing into his stupid blonde toupee. "Whatever for? You're getting paid-"

"Not enough. My wife is ill."


"She's got cancer," said Drew shortly. "I need to pay for her chemotherapy. She fell pregnant a while ago, I can't support-"

"Then get another job," said Cooper, narrowing his eyes. "I can't afford to give you a raise. What would I do for your coworkers? Give them raises too?"

"I work more than any of them do!" snarled Drew. "I'm indispensable, and you damn well know it!"

"Watch your mouth, Greene," warned Cooper, his beady brown eyes glittering. "I'm indispensable to you, too. I know that."

Drew was quivering. He hadn't felt this angry in years- the last time being looking that scumbag, Frank, in the eyes as he gave his testimony. "I need a raise," he growled softly.

"No. In fact, just because you asked, I can demote you."

"Fine." He turned on his heel and made to walk out of the office.

"You walk out that door and you're fired, Drew Greene," said Cooper smugly, and Drew saw red, his fists curling up by his sides.


"Excuse me?"

He walked back to Cooper's desk, his brown eyes blazing with pure fire. "I said no," he breathed.

"I've about had it with you and your defiance," snarled Cooper. "I think I'd rather not demote you."

"Planning on firing me, are you?" asked Drew. "No need. I quit." He tore off his apron, threw it on the ground, spat on it, flipped Dirk off, and turned around, leaving the office amidst Cooper's shouting.

Take A Walk (A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction, Book 5 of The Hardships Saga)Where stories live. Discover now