Chapter 1

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Authors note: A picture of Dallas----->


Dallas's POV:

Looking out the car window, my chin being held up. By the palm of my hand, Looking at the hills in the distance covered with fog.

-fuck I'm so board!-. I smirk to myself. Deciding to entertain myself "Hill....hill...hill".

My mom turns around, glaring at me "Dallas!".

I smile really wide, like the grinch -this is going to be fun- "Line....line....line..".

Mom grabbing her chair arm, rest with her nails. Her left eye starting to twitch "Stop that right this instant!".

I laugh to myself continuing -uh-oh twitching eye, and wolf claws this is bad. I better stop- I see out the window "Tree....tree...tree...".

Mom tries to zone me out -ha! Like that will stop me- "Dallas Shay O'hara, didn't. You just hear me!?".

I pause for a few seconds, hearing my mom mumble. Under her breath "thank god she stopped". I smirk taking a deep breath "" .

Mom punches my dad "Dylan! Do something about your daughter!" Dad glares at mom

"Oh so now she is my daughter?" -yea like dad will stop me-.

Dad stopping the car,pushing the breaks really hard. Making my head hit his seat. He looks at me through, the mirror smirking "Ow! Son of a biscuit Dad!".

My wolf laughing at my pain I growl "shut up Victoria!"

Rubbing my head, glaring at my dad. From the review mirror, sticking my tongue out at him making him just laugh -he better hope I don't, need head after that!-

The car coming to a stop, getting out. I take in the fresh air smiling looking at the dark blue wooden and rock house. A little garden with purple and green daisy's curving along the side of the house.

Walking into the house a wooden spiral staircase against the pink and white stripped wallpapered wall. The living room, painted in a nice white greyish color.

A black and white,checkered rug in front. Of a black couch and white recliner. The white tile fireplace with glass doors. Between the couch and chair-wow this house is so pretty-

Snapping back into reality, every step I take. The wooden floor creaking beneath me. Mom calling me from outside "Dallas! Honey come get your boxes and put them in your room!".

Making my way to front door. Giving our new home a second glance -maybe this won't. Be so bad-

Calling back at my mom "Okay mom I'm coming!"

Grabbing my boxes climbing up. The spiral wooden staircase. Checking every room until I see the perfect room at the end of the hall.

Opening the door, seeing a brass bed. With purple and black silk sheets still on them.

-why didn't the recent owner's take their furniture with them?-

Shrugging it off looking around seeing.

One half of the wall was black the other was purple and the other was just plain solid white.

An hour later:

-finally all my stuff is put up- Plopping down in bed sighing. Getting up rubbing my eyes, yawning. Splashing water in my face seeing a big spider. Crawling across the wall

I see it jump to the sink. I let out a blood curdling scream. Falling back into the tub. -okay Dallas get it together girl. Come on-  Trying to calm myself down. Grabbing one of my old yearbooks sneaking up to the spider. Starting to smack it "die" smack "you" smack "scary" smack "creature!"

Footsteps coming up the stairs the floor creaking. With every step they took, Hearing a knock at my door.

Moms voice coming from the other end of the door "Dallas, sweetie are you alright? I heard screaming"

I wipe off the sweat on my forehead flinging my yearbook back in the box "Y...yea mom just saw a spider".

Mom trying to not to laugh at my dismay "You screamed, cause you saw a spider? Glaring at the door feeling hurt. That my mom would laugh at me "Y...yes. It was a big spider".

Mom backs away from the door. Her voice sounding suspicious. Of what I'm doing "Okay than dinner we will be ready in a few minutes" I let out a groan -but I just wanna go to sleep-"Okay mom, I'm coming"

Hearing moms footsteps creaking. Heading back down the stairs. I sigh looking at the now squashed spider -thank god that scary thing is dead- Slipping on my hello kitty pajamas. Sitting at my desk. Typing a message on Facebook to my friend Janice.

Me: Hey Jellybean

Janice: Hey Dally how is the house?

Me: it's so pretty I can't wait for you to see it(:

Janice: i miss you):

Me: I miss you too Jellybean):

Hearing a knock at the door. Yelling "Yes?" Dad yells back from the door "Dinner is ready!" I yell back from my desk "Okay, I'm coming!"

Me: hey jellybean I gotta go ill ttyl

Janice: okay Dally, bye(:

Signing off of Facebook. Shutting down my laptop. Walking out of my room. Following my dad, down the stairs sitting down at the table.

My little brother Austin, eating his chicken nuggets and fries. My mom cooked up for him. As we eat a baked Turkey, mashed potatoes, and green beans.

One minute later:

Washing my plate off, heading up to my room. Smiling plopping onto my bed. Turning on my end table light. Picking up a book called Shadow Falls. Finishing the 10th chapter, I was trying to finish on the way here.

Turning off my light.Curling up under the covers. Letting the darkness take over.

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