The day we met... (Slenderman x Reader)

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It was a cold afternoon, and you really didn't like having to go to your dad's house on the weekends. He always made you go out and get more firewood, as he sat lazy in his chair with a drink in his hand.

You slipped on your favorite sweater, ignoring his slurred grunts about the cold house. You shout at him to sit down and relax, you'll be back with more wood for the fireplace.

Maybe a new heater would be much better than using the old fashioned wood. Then again your dad never had that much money to begin with. Your mother always made sure you had a few hundred bucks in your pocket whenever you went over.

It wasn't all that bad, the wooded area had a nice clearing a ways down. And a large lake to skip rocks on. You loved going there, especially at night to watch the water sparkle against the moonlight.

You sigh, picking up the large ax and bringing it down on a chunk of wood. You had gotten used to the weight after a while, and continued to hack the wood to measurable sizes.

"Jeez..." you say in boredom. You planned on going down to the lake tonight to skip more rocks. Maybe read that new book mom got you for your 18th birthday last week.

Going back inside, you see your dad has already passed out. Shaking your head, you cover him with a thick blanket and toss the wood into the fireplace. Lighting it, you decide to go to the lake a little early today.


You loved everything about the snow during the winter. To your luck, the lake was frozen over. That meant it would be perfect for sliding over. You couldn't help but practically skip down to the lake, careful not to slip.

Once you get there, you stop dead in your tracks. Your breath escapes from your lungs as you gaze at the sight in front of you.

The lake had completely frozen over. It looked like glass. You take a stick and poke it to make sure it's firm enough.

It is.

Without another moment you step onto the frozen lake, sliding gently. You start slowly, twirling with caution, the began gliding.

It was if you were a swan swimming in the water. You stop, getting the feeling of a presence nearby. Could be the animals, there have been reports of a lot of bears recently.

You brush away the feeling and continue to glide. So effortlessly, like a natural born dancer, you move with grace and passion. Guess those dance lessons mom put you in, paid off well. But it was too bad no one seemed to care at the time. You slip, caught too much in thought.

You tear up as you feel your elbow come down hard on the ice, cracking it. You roll over in pain, not knowing that the ice under you was breaking away. You catch yourself but not in time as you slip underneath the thick layer of ice.

The cold water hits you like a million needles all over your body, unable to breathe or think. You stare up at the broken hole, trying to register as to what just happened. But you can't, why try to fight?

No one will ever think to look here, this place was deserted to the bone. It was about thirty miles till you reached the small diner with the gas station up the road. But that would require you to set yourself free from this watery prison that was sucking your life away by seconds. Your vision begins to blur as your last thought was "would they bother...?".

I couldn't bring myself to just watch, being the sinister creature that I was. I carefully but quickly pulled you out as the cold water quickly made you pass out. You were breathing but drenched and your temperature was rising quickly. It was a risk showing myself to a human but I had to do something.

I carefully picked you up, cradling you closely as I could to get some warmth to you. Making my way through the trees, I arrived at the grand home I lived in with one other. Him and his pet. Quietly opening the doors, I brought you to one of the many rooms I had vacant but no one to fill them. Being alive for so long, I kept with a Victorian style more than a modern style.

I put you in one of the many rooms that had a fireplace in it. I had to be modest as possible. I undressed you gently and carefully, seeing your body as pale, I panicked. I dressed you in a night gown and covered with a few blankets. I turned on the fire place and left the room, hoping you would warm up and awake soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2015 ⏰

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