Ch1 - In Love With An Angel

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Chapter 1

I am in love with Anastasia Kerr.

I have loved her for three years. Well... this would be the fourth year. There were no words to describe how perfect she is. Her eyes, her curves. It was like she was from another world.

Were we dating? No.

Have we talked? Kind of.

Does she even know who I am? Maybe.

But all that doesn't matter. All I know was that Anastasia was the definition of perfect. I remember the day I met her like it just happened yesterday...

"Move out of the way!" someone yelled behind me. Before I knew it, two guys used their shoulders to hit either side of me, making my books fall out of my arms and scatter all over the concrete floor.

"My bad, loser." one of the guys looked back and smirked at me.

I sighed and pushed up my glasses. I thought high school was bad... Turns out, college was just as horrible. Do people ever grow up?

I bent down to pick up my things when a shadow cast over them. I looked up and had to put a hand over my forehead to soften the blow of the bright rays hitting my sensitive eyes.

An angel.

That was the first thing that popped into my head when I laid eyes on Anastasia Kerr. She was dressed in a white sundress and her smile was brighter than the sun. The light beaming behind her made her appear as if she was glowing. Like an angel.

She crouched down and gathered my books while I was still flabbergasted by her beauty. I finally snapped out of it when she held up my books for me to take.

"Are you alright?" she asked. Even her voice was angelic.

"Uh, y-yeah." I blushed at my stuttering. Could I get anymore stupid?

She smiled again. "I'm sorry about my boyfriend. He can be a jerk sometimes."

My jaw dropped but I closed my mouth quickly. I felt my chest deflate and disappointment rushed in.

Boyfriend, she said. Of course she had a boyfriend. She was beautiful beyond belief; it wasn't a surprise that someone had already snatched her up.

"It's okay." I muttered and stood up.

She followed and smoothed down her sun dress. "What's your name?" she asked.

I gaped at her. She wanted to know my name?

"Ethan." I answered. "Ethan Fitz."

She smiled once more and damn I swear I could look at her smile forever. Perfect white teeth and bow shaped lips.

"Anastasia Kerr." she said. God, even her name was as pretty as she was. Was there anything not adorable about this girl?

"Ana! Leave the dumbass alone and let's go!" we both turned to see the guy who had smirked at me, motioning for her to come join them.

Anastasia ignored him and turned back to me. "Sorry again." she said. "Well, Ethan Fitz. It was nice to meet you. I hope to see you around."

I watched her walk away. When she reached her boyfriend, he put an arm around her shoulders and gave her a kiss.

She was dating the jackass? How cliché. Nice girl with the asshole.

I did see her after that. Turns out, we had the same major: pre-med. We had similar classes and practically had the same schedule.

Beauty and the NerdOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant