Chapter 1

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Elizabeth had heard of the game but never expected it to become so popular. Really she just found it creepy. As she turned the corner looking at all the people waiting in the line to the game store she saw Jena who waved at her.

"Liz, why aren't you in line?! The store opens in like fifteen minutes!"

"What? I'm not getting this game. I'm returning this one..." She said holding up the game she had been planning on returning.

"As always Liz, your a natural comic. Come on. They're about to open up!" Jena replied, tugging Elizabeth into line. She glanced apologetically at the person behind Jena who was now glaring at her.

Jena and Elizabeth stood chatting for a little while when everyone's attention turned towards the door. Jena turned to Elizabeth, slapping her on the arm.

"They're opening the door!"

"I can see that," Elizabeth said, rubbing her arm where it was now turning red. They filed in everyone heading towards the back of the store where an entire wall was dedicated to the new game. Elizabeth walked towards the check out and put her game on the counter.

"Returning?" Asked Chris, one of the workers.

"Yup. But I may be buying in a second."

Chris nodded his name tag wobbling on his vest. She walked towards the back against the flow of people hurrying to check out. She got to the back and saw one copy of the game left. She picked it up. It still looked creepy. She shuddered at the art on the front and turned it over so she didn't have to see it. She walked towards the check out, managing to get right behind Jena.

"This game just looks creepy."

"Alright Elizabeth, if your worried it'll give you nightmares we can play it at my house together."

Elizabeth nodded her head and bought her game. She walked towards the door, Jena linking arms with her.

When they got to Jena's house they both headed towards the fridge. Sitting at the counter, Elizabeth looked at the cover of the game again. The red and black swirls covered the plastic. For such a simple design, she didn't know why it scared her so much. She noted that it appeared to have violet flecks in the red. She stared at it until she realized that Jena was talking to her.

"Huh?" She asked staring at her friend.

"I asked if you were ready to play," said Jena rolling her eyes.

"I guess," she replied getting up from the counter.


Once they got downstairs Elizabeth plopped into her favorite beanbag with a satisfying hiss. After she put in the game Jena tossed Elizabeth a controller. And sat down in her beanbag. A warning came up on the screen.

"This game psychologically profiles you as you play. It gets to know who you really are then uses this information to change its self. It uses this knowledge against you to create your own personal nightmare.

"This game plays you as much as you play it."

It was only then that Elizabeth realized she was already sweating. She tried to play it off and hoped Jena hadn't noticed.

She entered the game and began to play. She wondered what Jena was doing because she didn't see her anywhere. She continued anyway, going down a long passage, things getting more frightening with every turn. She was really sweating now. And shaking. She continued down the passage every turn surprising her. She thought she screamed but really couldn't be sure.

The red and black swirls were surrounding the edges of her vision now. They were narrowing in slowly. She could tell she would be left with only a small tunnel of vision soon. The passages were changing. Voices were whispering at her. She could tell they were desperate but couldn't tell what they were saying. They were a blur of sounds, getting louder with each passing second. The walls began closing in and spacing out. It got brighter and dimmer until she couldn't tell where she was going. She couldn't tell where she came from. She couldn't tell where she was. She wanted to scream but no sound came. She screamed for Jena. She found no response, but then again, she didn't know whether she had even screamed or not.

Her vision was narrowing faster now. She wanted to walk but couldn't tell whether she was or not. The voices were practically screaming but she couldn't even decipher one. She strained all of her senses, to no avail. Her vision was a tunnel. Too small. She couldn't make sense of anything. The voices out screamed her thought as her vision finally closed. Swirls and screams. None of her senses helped anything. She couldn't scream. She couldn't cry.

Everything went black.

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