Just a little treat!

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Okay i guess you are all wondering what this chapter is about? Well, your questions are answered! I am holding a little contest to see if one of you lucky people will be able to find a secret. A secret in which I planted in one of my chapters, it could be anything from a object to a secret word! It should be easy to find if you know how to look ;)

So the point of this was to get my story heard and to get one of you lucky and spectacular people ,the winner, a chance to be featured in one of my most famous story's, possibly my second book if are lucky.

The story will be chosen by you! The other readers that didn't manage to win. You guys will get to decided the story they will be in!

Don't be disheartened if you can't find it, there will be more contests soon to come, you see at the end of my other books (as you might have seen on my profile) this is what will happen at the end of each of them as-well. A little thank you to all of my readers! For the support and love.

So I guess you are wondering, will she start us off with no clue? Wrong! I will give you only one clue! And here it is!

In the depths and out of the sky, where these secrets lie cannot been sent by the eye.

Where you have to look may seem hard and strange,

But don't worry at the end you will receive the prize gained!

(Another tip to help you, it's a very small difference in the wording of one of the chapters!)

There! Your clue! Be sure to message me in the comments if this chapter as soon as you have figured out the word! Good luck! And goodbye for now!

Powers Beneath The Skin (Book 1 of Many) *COMPLETED*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz