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What was nothing more but a bunch of men with guns chasing after you to capture you ended up being an entire army. Though they were brave to try there were zero survivors.

“Chris. Chris!” The female voice echoes the halls as you pass through the still halls toward the sudden disturbance. The woman turns around her eyes widen open seeing you. Her voice is caught in her throat before you drag her.


Turning to face the man you take out your hand from her stomach letting her collapse on the floor as she reached out for the man.

“Sheva! No!” The man rushes toward you guns blazing letting out screams of anger.

A sudden image of this man being in a helicopter with a rocket launcher appears in your head unleashing the hate you have felt. This man did something, you don't know what. But he is responsible for the internal agony.

His bullets reflect from your new exoskeleton that you shedded a couple nights ago. Chris looks around in fear seeing nothing can be done to you. Reaching to him grabbing hold of his neck pinning him up against the wall. More images appear in your memory but there is one with you and him shaking hands and laughing together. There are feelings for this man.

“Cha- Chr-” moving your jaw around with your tongue trying to remember how to talk. “Chris.” You finally let out as he continues to struggle but is puzzled by your sudden grip that loosens as you move your head side to side. “K-k-kill me-” you let out almost in a tone of begging. You want him to end the pain you are suffering.

“How do you know my name? Who are you?” He begins to ask trying to understand as you let go falling on your knees and using your arms to sustain yourself. “Chris. K-kill- me”

The memories begin to flash quickly reminding you that you are human this is the creature you transformed and you should control.

“What are you doing? There is no happy memories of a human. You are this creature. You are the killing machine. All those years of isolation was for the protection of them. Or did you forget what mankind has done to us. The pain they have inflicted on us.” Agony whispers in your mind and you look up at the ceiling fighting the will of this creature you force your face to morph into yours.

“Chris. Kill me. Please.” You let out before you morph back standing up you keep your arms open protecting him as bullet shots are shot.

“Stop your fire! Ceasefire!” Chris yells out but a bullet scrapes his shoulder. “Chris!” You let out before losing control you charge at the men. “No! Stop!” He reaches out as he hears the blood screams of the men. The sound of bones being forced apart the head of a soldier being tossed on the wall.

Disappearing into a room you devour the body of the man.

“Agony. Let me live.” You think and she remains silent for some time till your body begins to steam. The process of your body melting off the body like armor took 5 minutes till you were nothing more but a naked and afraid woman on the ground shaking.

At last you were human in skin. Wiggling your toes you smile in releaf. A tranquility that blanked and sheltered you. For once you realized how amazing it was to be a regular human being.

The Tyrants Reign (Wesker X Reader) CompletedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ