Chapter One: True Mind Restraint

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"Chris...Chris I- I think I need t-to go..." She croaked, voice gravelly.

The boy looked at her, muddled and curious. "Why? What's wrong? This is the first lecture of the year, you shouldn't miss it-" Chris warily watched as his words just stopped from his mouth as he watched the female who began staggering up from her spot, grabbing a hold onto her items tightly and beginning to walk down the platform to the closest exit that avoided walking near the boys that had deliberately sat behind her. As she began walking quickly away from the boys sights, she could hear people stand quickly up from their chair in the back, also mutterings of "(Y/n)". The girls face appalled.
'I have to do something! Tell my parents, call the police, anything..This can't be a coincidence. They can't just all have moved to the same city, gone to the same college...taken the same classes as me... how could this all be some unfortunate coincidence.....staring at me....sitting as close to me as they could...Someone tried to touch my hair...!!!'

Willfully pushing hard on the doors handle and leaving the room without another word, she had escaped her class, going into the laminating hallways that smelled like the summers persistent heat. She hurriedly walked, rushing her movements as she almost broke out into an abrupt sprint. It wasn't until she exited the building, quickly found an empty stone bench and tried her best to relax there as she fiddled grabbing out her phone. Going to her parents contacts, she sloppily texts, letting auto correct assist her errors. About to tap send, she heard movements behind her, startling her into halting her actions to anxiously snap her head to take a glimpse beyond her. To her demise, she stares directly at the red haired intellectual himself. A person she never dreamed she'd see again. ''(Y/n)....-'' He mumbled astonishingly under his breath, causing the girl's breath to hitch in her throat as she retracted herself further from him. His wild hair fell messily over his head. His eyes looked dimmed, his lips were shut in a straight thin line as he closely stared at her from a few feet away. Almost a minute seemed to cruise by painfully as both stared each other in the eyes, Kaito breathlessly eyeing her up and down until resting his sight to stare deep into her wet eyes, scared face, trembling lips.

''You've been happy...haven't you?'' His voice wavered and felt cold, almost sounding lost and doleful. 

The girls mind struggled to even register his voice. And somehow, his voice didn't sound the same as she thought she remembered it. It now sounded defeated, differing from the past arrogant tone that he settled for. He now sounded unsure as he spoke his claims. Everything felt like a sick nightmare. ''Ever since we were ripped away from your life, you've been happier.'' Not having the words to say anything, she felt like she were in a threatened position, scared of anything he'd try to say and do towards her. The girl directed her head forward again, snatching her phone in her pants pockets and grabbing her items to stand up uncoordinated, fast, as her vision fuzzed and dimmed and head ached. Grimacing through the pain, she begins running again, away from the boy who watched her sprinting desperately. His yearning eyes glued to her, his mind going hectic again already, his entire body twitching. He began unconsciously taking speedy strides towards where she had headed, his mind and heart desperate to see her again,'I can follow her, she's here, I saw her, I can grab her, I can take her, I can just make her mine again like how it's supposed to be, I can--' He suddenly paused in his tracks. He stared blankly at the ground. ''N-Not...y-y-yet..Sweet...S-Sweet (Y/n)...-'' His fingers twitched relentlessly.  "Now I'm the one who's having issues holding back.." He annoyingly exhaled held in breath, massaging his head that contained the secrets of the boys secretly deranged mind. His thoughts would constantly flutter to (Y/n) (L/n), that girl he never anticipated on liking. (Y/n) (L/n), the girl he thought he kept in their house all for the sake of Ryo and his other acquaintances. That stupid girl, the one the others went quickly insane for while for the longest time he believed he was the sanest. The stupid girl who tried being nice to him. The stupid girl who tried prying into his feelings. The stupid girl who got involved.

Infatuation [A fan made sequel]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz