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 "And if the sun grows cold for you along the way"

"And if the stars don't line to light the way"

"And when you fall away and crash back down below, I'll search the skies for you and I'll follow"

"I'll be in your afterglow,

And I'll bring you home,

But even if the sky does fall

Even if they take it all

I can't see but ill follow you

Even if I die"

Tord screamed, sitting up and looking to the side where the music was coming from "Tordy..? What's wrong...?" Someone asked from behind him, "I had a nightmare..." Tord replied, laying back down again as he looked at the figure, grey vest, black tie, dark grey pants, light brown hair, definitely Tom, "I was singing to a young kid...and I was the only one..but I still heard another voice..." "I keep telling you...You need to get some therapy.." "THOMAS!! I DON'T NEED THERAPY!! IT...It never helps..." Tord screamed, feeling warm tears stream down his felt like the blood he feels every day. Tom sighed and pulled Tord into his lap, softly nuzzling his head "You might be getting too stressed out about the baby and your work..." "Maybe.." Tord mumbled, resting his head on the taller males chest, listening to the soft heartbeat of his as he fell asleep again.

"And when all the fires burn

What happens when you're so overturning

There's nothing that I won't go through"

"Even if I have to die for you"

Yet again, Tord heard the same voice. It sounded familiar...He just couldn't wrap his head around it...Soon he had realized he needed to focus on breathing, it was something he gets distracted from often 'One...two...three' He took one breath and another...He soon realized it wasn't working, then he called Tom as fast as possible, Tom answered, Tord barely managed to choke out the fact he needed help. Tom came as soon as he could, but it was too late, by the time he got there Tord had already gone into cardiac arrest, so by the time he got there he called the ambulance and started performing CPR on the small male, the ambulance soon came and took Tord to the hospital, allowing Tom to come, but sadly Tom refused.

Later, Tom had come to the hospital to visit his small boyfriend, who had been hooked up to many machines, too many if you asked Tom, some he knew had to do with pregnancy, others were for breathing, and a few were for..labor? 'Why would they have machines for labor...? Tords only at 7 months!!' Tom thought to himself, walking into the room they had put Tord in. It was a nice decently sized room with a bathroom, a few chairs, some curtains, lights, and some windows. It honestly did seem like they were gonna put Tord into labor, Tom sat in one of the chairs that were placed next to Tord as he woke up "Tommy..? Where am I...?" "Shhh...You're in the hospital because you went into cardiac arrest" "Why am I hooked up to so many machines?? W-Where is everyone?!" Tord began asking many questions, just as a doctor walks in explaining what happened and the fact they had to put Tord in labor in order to 'save' the baby.

Soon enough Tom was still sitting there, but instead, he was holding his boyfriend's hand while watching him give birth, he was wincing at how tightly Tord was squishing his hand but he couldn't be mad at someone who is giving birth, he could never even imagine or feel the pain...At least Tord has an excuse to not do stuff now. Tords screaming haunted Tom, the sound of his high pitched voice in pain...It broke Toms heart, what also broke it is the fact they wont be able to take their baby home for 2 months, but he knows it breaks Tords heart more, not being able to take something you adore home for 2 more months...Soon enough a wail of a baby was heard in the room, then at least 2 minutes later another wail is heard, another baby?? Everyone was surprised, this hopefully last kid was hiding this whole time? But finally, they were out and Tord got to hold them with tears of joy, and for the first time in god knows how long, Tom had tears in his eyes behind his goggles. Tom gently hugged Tord and the new babs all while admiring how small and cute they were...

"What are we gonna name them?"

"Tristian And Maerie"

The Boy Who Sang Stars (BEING REWRITTEN AND NO LONGER UPDATED ON THIS BOOK)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن