Chapter Three: Anger and Arguments

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Working her best to ease her breathing, she was surprised to see Jean Havoc looking down at her.

"We need to get to a save house," he yelled up to the driver, "Don't head to the main estate just yet,"

"I'm fine, Jean," she said between coughs, trying with all her strength to get her breathing back under control, "I don't need to go to a safe house,"

"Some psycho just blew something into her face and another attack could be right behind them, there's no way we can risk taking you back there right now," he shook his head, dread in his eyes, "fuck, Mustang is going to go ballistic,"

For a brief moment Aileana had forgotten about her husband. There was no doubt that, upon hearing what had happened, Roy would insist on interrogating the man himself and locking her back up in the estate. As much as she cared for her own health, she worried more for her husband, the image of the hatred that filled him when confronting Envy coming back to her.

"Please, don't tell him just yet," she gripped Havoc's uniform, "I can't see him like that again,"

"Are you crazy? Do you think this is something we can keep from the Führer? By this point one of the Sergeants have probably already told him. The important thing right now is to make sure you all are safe,"

"Russell!" she pulled on his uniform a bit, "Russell's at school!"

"Someone is already on their way to get him," he touched her hands lightly, trying to calm her, "right now we just need you to focus on your breathing. When we get to the safe house, there will be a doctor waiting for us,"

As they sped around a corner, Aileana caught a glimpse of their previous home in Central; the small yellow house in the heart of the city still looked as inviting as it had the first time she had stepped into it. It seemed like a completely different lifetime when they lived in that house, in a ways it almost was; there were times where she wondered if those times could have been different had they all been blind to Father's plans.

They screeched to a halt a moment later, the yellow house no longer visible by an unknown distance to her. She didn't recognize the building, only having been to a safe house once before at a different location. Jean helped her out of the car and they made their way up several flights of stairs, assisted by other Officers, until they reached one of the higher floors. Once an Officer had the door open, Jean quickly took her to one of the bedrooms and placed her on the bed, followed closely by a doctor she hadn't noticed was there.

"The Führer is on his way," the Officer saluted Havoc, a grim expression on his face.

"I have no doubt," Havoc sighed, stepping aside so the doctor could begin his examination of Aileana, "tell everyone to have their shit together; the last thing they want to do is be dicking around when he shows up,"

"Yes sir!"

As the Officer walked out of sight, Havoc turned back to face Aileana. He had only known her for a little over a decade, but she felt as close to her as the others in his previous unit. Since his return to the military and Mustang's promotion they had seen less of each other, but it was always special those few times they were all able to meet up. Though so many years had passed, it was still strange to him to picture Mustang as a married man with children especially after how come offish he always seemed about relationships. At least, he was come offish about my relationships he thought, remembering the countless women he had missed being with because Mustang had decided to uproot the unit and move them to a different command center.

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