The Downfall

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"Dawn?" What are you doing here?" Peter asked as Dawn pulled Tony out.

"What does it look like? I'm helping you escape!" She said as they ran out into the bustling corridor and towards another set of rooms.

Dawn put in a series of codes and ran in.

"Dawn?" A voice came as she busted the lock on that too.


Dawn pushed the rest of the guys out of the room and told them to follow her.

"Wait guys." Steve said holding his arms out for everyone to stop.

"Come on guys, we don't have much time." Dawn said urging them to hurry up.

"How do we know we can trust you?" Tony asked raising an eyebrow.

"Because." She said running up to him and holding his shoulders. "I remember everything."

"Yeah right."

"Peter, you need to trust me." She said looking at him after he spoke.

Peter looked her in the eyes, studying them as if he were studying for a test, trying to find an answer. Her eyes, they were pleading with him. Innocent, beautiful eyes.

He sighed. "Okay."

Dawn smiled at him and took his hand again and led them through the corridors to the way out.

Steve and Tony followed close behind, talking to each other along the way.

"How do we know we can trust her?" Tony hissed at Steve.

"We don't have much of a choice now do we?" Steve replied as they ran faster to catch up with the others.

Dawn had managed to get everyone out as they began sprinting for the door.

She did remember. She remembered everything.

"Dawn." Came a voice behind.

Oh crabs.

"Alice." Dawn replied sharply as she turned back around.

"I see you found your friends."

"You're stupid to think I'd leave them." Dawn said narrowing her eyes.

"Anything you say is stupid, Dawn." Alice replied spitting on the floor.

"Alice." Dawn shot back raising an eyebrow.

Alice glared and took a step closer.

Dawn stepped in also.

"You ready to end this?" Alice whispered.

"Just shut it and throw the first punch." Dawn hissed. "Guys." She said turning to her, friends. "You need to go within the next three minutes. I'll finish up here."

"But Daw-" Peter tried to argue.

Dawn walked up to him and stroked his cheek. "I really am sorry." She whispered before giving him a kiss in his cheek. "I'll miss you, Peter."

"Wait. Dawn what do you mean?" He asked as she pushed him away.

"Bye, Pete." She said before shoving the Avengers out of the door and locking it from the inside.

"What a shame you won't see them again." Alice hissed.

"Neither will you." Dawn spat before launching herself at her.

"She should be here." Peter said pacing up and down as they waited anxiously for Dawn.

"Give her time." Steve said, trying to calm his nerves.

A loud bang erupted throughout the Hydra base as several others followed.

"So that's what she meant by get out in three minutes." Sam whispered. "She planted bombs."

As soon as that first one went off, Peter attempted to run to the base.


Tony held him back as Peters screams filled the air.

Bucky fell to his knees as he watched the fire burn. "I didn't even try to save her." He said shaking.

But there was nothing they could do this time.

She had given her life to save theirs.

And in doing so, had brought down a Hydra base.

"Dawn." Peter whispered before burying his head in his chest and rocking himself back and forth.

All trying their best to ignore the burning building.

As the roof caved in on the area Dawn was last in, Peter let out one last muffled cry.

"I forgive you." He said silently.

"Could you forgive me?"

*nervously walks up to microphone and taps it* um. Any readers left?


*a hand slowly raises in the back*

There we go. We have one.

Sorry for not updating. Also I think this might be the end of the story.

What a happy ending.

Or you know, it might not be.

A Blank Canvas (Peter Parker)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ