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I hid behind some crates with my gun drawn.

"Great..." I said quietly after checking the clip on the gun. Empty. I looked all over for one of the extra clips I always carried on me before seeing it a short ways away from me. "Seriously?" I tried looking past the crate to see anyone else, but it was empty. "Ok. Ok." I took a deep breath and looked down at the gun trying to form a plan in my head to not only get the clip but to live through this. "This is gunna suck." I quickly stood and aimed my gun all around trying to find the person after me while going for the clip. "Where are you?" I whispered to myself. I lowered myself to the clip and quickly exchanged the empty for the full one. "You don't have to do this." I called out to him jumping and pointing my gun at everything that made a sound. "Talk to me!" I shouted before turning to see him holding a gun to my face. "We can talk about this if you want." He just smirked at me before glancing over my shoulder. My eyes widened and I quickly turned right before a man stuck a sword was through my abdomen. I fell onto my back and what little breath I had left my body and my world slowly went black.


"Are Will and Helen almost in place?" I asked Henry walking into his lab.

"Almost." He told me looking over his screen. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him clanking at me and smiled.

"If you want to know something then ask." I told him.

"Dracula?" he asked me and I took a deep breath.

"Dracula was never a vampire, Henry, but yes I am married to a one." I answered his unasked question.

"When did you do that? I didn't even know you were married." Henry said.

"I married Nikola shortly after he became a vampire." I answered.

"When was that?" he asked me.

"His name didn't give it away?" I asked him confused slightly. "Nikola Tesla." His eyes widened and he tried to say something but he couldn't find the words.

"Tesla?" he asked me and I nodded.

"The one and the same." I said.

"The famous inventor?" he asked. "The dead one?"

"His death was faked and that was the longest time I'd been with him in years." I told him. "Looks like they are at the coordinates." I said looking at the screen in front of us.

"Calling them now." He said before calling Helen and Will.

"Ahoy, Mateys!" Henry said when they came on screen making me shake my head. "It's because you're at sea."

"Henry, are you certain these are the proper coordinates?" Helen asked him.

"Absolutely. I traced the psychic signal Sally received to where you are right now, but she says that, since you left port, there's been, uh, no further communication from her people." Henry told her and I looked at him confused.

"Did you say Sally?" Helena asked him.

"You named the mermaid?" I asked them.

"That was his idea." Henry said pointing at Will.

"It's our nickname for the Sanctuary mermaid." Will corrected.

"She has a proper name, you know." Helen reminded them.

"Which is unpronounceable." Will said.

"It's a true fact." Henry added.

"Besides, it beats calling her something obvious, like...Ariel." Will said.

My Sanctuary, My HomeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum