Prologue - Beautiful Stranger.

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Kasey's POV

"Bye Kasey! See you on Monday!" My English teacher waved as I walked out the classroom door and quickly scrambled to the front doors of the school since I didn't want or need to stop and talk to anyone.

Once the doors were opened I took the chance to breathe in the damp London air.

I always loved English, it was my favourite subject at that over priced and stupidly prep school but today I just wanted to get home. Well to the orphanage I call home.

Everyone around town, including myself wondered how I could live in a orphanage yet attend the highest priced private school in London, And the answer is simple, my parents left me a lot of money when they died. No one else in the orphanage can afford to be sent off ground for school and a lot of the time it makes me feel really bad because it means they only leave the building probably once a month and I leave five days a week.

Just like every other day after school, I stopped halfway home to get a hot chocolate from my favourite cafe. Part of the money my parents left me was given to me as pocket money each week because it was part of my parents will that I was given a small amount each week but usually I don't spend it all. Sometimes I barely feel like an orphan, just someone who doesn't know her mom and dad very well.

"Three dollars please Kasey." The cashier lady said snapping me out of my thoughts, I handed her the small amount and used both hands to grab the hot chocolate from her.

"Thank you." I whispered and looked up to give her a smile.

She waved me off as I walked back out the small cafe doors. I never bothered to learn her name like she had for me and it's for the same reason as why I don't bother to make friends.

Because I don't want to lose anyone else in my life and actually be old enough to remember it this time.

All the other girls at the orphanage make the same mistake time after time and never learn. It doesn't matter if their seventeen like me or six years old they all make the mistake. They grow attached to people, objects and places. They fall in love with things just to have them ripped away when they least expect it - when they get adopted.

Not many times a year is someone adopted or barely even looked at once you get to my age, no one wants a hormonal teenager.

The lucky ones that do get adopted are in tears and howling like bloody dogs to not have to leave because half the time they never see their friends again.

I don't want to ever feel like that. I'm not rude and I say hello or talk to people when they talk to me first but I really have no emotion towards anyone.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

I flinched slightly as I felt the cold rain droplet fall onto my forehead making me look up at the grey dull looking sky. I sighed once I realized I still had about fifteen minutes to walk but I guess it's not that bad if I get drenched, it's Friday so if I get sick I will have the weekend to recover.

Continuing my walk, I began to grow nervous as the dark alleyway that's just a few blocks from the orphanage came into view.

It's not that I'm scared of the alley itself or the dark or anything that stupid.

But there is this man, everyday he was at the front of the alley leaning against the wall and everyday he would say hello to me.


I learnt his first name once when his friend was with him as I walked past, I never saw his friend again with him after that day but Harry was there every week day but I never see him on weekends.

He scares me a lot and I don't deny that, he seems like someone who you would hate to see mad and so far I haven't. I would hate to be the one who angers him so I always say hello to him and sometimes he even smiles which I return. He may look scary but he's never given me a reason to fully fear him so a smile isn't going to hurt anyone.

As I got closer to the alley I could see Harry leaning in his usual spot but he looked a little more on edge then usual.

I Kept walking and pretended not to notice him as I wasn't really in the mood to talk to him today, this whole day has felt weird and un-normal, talking to Harry will just ruin my blank mood even more.

Just as I was about to pass the dark lighted alley, Harry grabbed my small wrist making me drop my hot chocolate on the path in front of me.

I sighed before turning to look at Harry and see him visibly relax when he saw my face.

"How are you today Kasey?" He asked in somewhat of a calm soothing voice but didn't take his grip off me.

I wasn't aware of the fact that he knew my name until now. It scared me a lot more knowing that he knew more about me then he was leading on.

"You spilled my drink." I pouted looking down at the now empty paper cup on the floor. I know I sounded rude but that just wasted my money.

He sighed before pulling a five dollar bill out of his pocket with his free hand, he held it out towards me but I shook my head and ripped my arm out of his hand.

"Kasey please just stay here for a minute and talk to me? Something bad is about to happen." He cooed at me as he motioned towards the old empty bench against the other wall of the alley.

"N-no I can't sorry. I have to get to the or-" I was cut off by Harry shaking his head and talking over me.

"Orphanage I know Kasey, but please just two minutes?" He walked over and brushed his fingers over mine making me gasp and stumble away from him.

"No!" I quickly turned away before he had the chance to grab my arms and ran as fast as I could down the road.

Harry was always some what of a beautiful stranger, but now this is just going too far.

"Kasey please don't cross the road!" Harry's voice was heard from behind me making me stop running and look over my shoulder to see him looking at me worriedly.

He yelled something else that I didn't hear because a loud siren was heard making my ears ring. I turned to see a car coming right towards me, I hadn't even realized that I was in the middle of the road until now and tried to move but the car was coming towards me to fast.

I can't really explain how I felt at that moment but the last thing felt altogether was the cold wind everywhere as the car came closer and closer until the horn and the ringing of my ears were both too loud to distinguish one from the other.

The last thing on my mind was if anyone would miss me.

Moments.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin