Meeting him

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(Third person POV)

It was a busy day for the Octonauts. Tweak had left moments ago to pick up her twin sister, (Y/N). "Ugh, when is she going to be back?" Kwazii asked while tapping his foot impatiently. "She'll get here when she gets here, Kwazii." Captain Barnacles said. "I know matey, but she's taking too long. She needs to fix the GUP-B." "You crashed it again?" "Maybe."

"Cap, open the Otctohatch." Tweak said. "On it Tweak." Captain Barnacles said. The GUP-K came in after the Octohatch opened. The GUP-K came up to the surface of the pool in the Launch Bay. It opened up and Tweak came out with a girl bunny identical to her. She had on a (F/C) bandana and a pair of (F/C) glasses. Other than that she looks just like her sister.

"(Y/N), meet Captain Barnacles and Kwazii. Cap, Kwazii, this is my twin sister (Y/N)." Tweak introduced them to one another. "It's nice to meet y'all. Tweak told me a lot about you and your adventures." (Y/N) said. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, (Y/N)." Barnacles said. "Umm, sis what happened to that?" (Y/N) asked pointing to the GUP-B. "Kwazii crashed it again." Tweak informed her. "Haha." Kwazii laughed nervously. "I was told that you are reckless." (Y/N) said, smirking. "Come on, the others are waiting to meet you in HQ." Barnacles said. "Oh yeah, just follow us." Tweak said. They all climbed the ladder and head to HQ.

(Time skip)

[(Y/N) POV]

Everything is so different from home. I'll get lost in here for weeks. I followed my sister and her friends to the HQ. It was a big room filled with computers and a table with a couple of chairs at one side of the room. There was a penguin wearing a white medical hat and carrying a white bag, a dog wearing blue boots, pink and green berets and holding a camera, a octopus in a blue and white striped chair, and what appears to be a cross between a vegetable and an animal. "Everyone this is Tweak's twin (Y/N). (Y/N) this is Peso the medic, Dashi the photographer and IT specialist, Professor Inkling the founder and oceanographer, and Tunip the cook and gardener." Captain Barnacles said. They all stepped forward and said their hellos. "Where's Shellington?" Tweak asked. "In the lab." Dashi answered. "I'll get him, Captain." Peso told him.

After he left I asked my sister questions about Tunip. They called him a vegimal and there's more of them on the ship. Peso came back with a otter wearing blue boots and a blue satchel. He wore the same blue hat as Kwazii, and Dashi. Barnacles wears one but it looks like a captains hat.  "(Y/N) this is Shellington, the marine biologist. Shellington this is (Y/N) our new engineer." He's really cute. "Woah woah, wait a minute I just met him. Keep cool and don't do anything embarrassing." I thought. "It's nice to meet you. Tweak told us all about you." Shellington said with a Scottish accent. "It's nice to meet you too." I said blushing. "Why am I blushing." I thought. He smiled at me with a faint blush on his face.

(Shellington's POV) (before and during meeting you)

I was in the lab looking at some plankton under a microscope. I have heard about getting a new member of the team and that it's Tweak's twin sister.

Peso came into and told me that the new member of the team is here and everyone is meeting her. I got to HQ saw a girl bunny identical to Tweak. She had on a (F/C) bandana and a pair of (F/C) glasses. Other than that she looks just like Tweak."(Y/N) this is Shellington, the marine biologist. Shellington this is (Y/N) our new engineer." She's really cute. "Woah woah, wait a minute I just met her. Keep cool and don't do anything embarrassing." I thought. "It's nice to meet you. Tweak told us all about you." I said. "It's nice to meet you too." She said blushing. "She's pretty cute while blushing." I thought. The thought caused me to blush and I just smiled at her with a faint blush on my face.

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