"Then you should totally hook me up with her" He says excitedly. 

"Kingston, no, my new friend isn't" I start but get cut off,

"Isn't what, into me? Please everyone is into me," He tries to continue but I hear a honking outside. "Is that her?" Kingston rushes outside but stops when he sees Josh. "Your new friends a dude?" he sighs upset.

"Yes, do you have a problem with that?" I cross my arms.

" Well being your older brother, I do have a problem with that" he says crossing his arms as well.

"Just shut up, love you bye" I say rushing, not wanting to keep Josh waiting. I make sure to give Kingston a light push when I pass him.

I hop into the front seat and Josh greets me, "Sup Kenna?"

"Hey Josh, Thanks for picking me up."

"Not a problem," He puts the car in drive, I look out my window to my house to see Kingston pouting on the front porch. Even though he's older than me he still acts like a baby. Josh turned the radio up a bit and 'You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift came on, we were singing so loud the whole ride until we got to the diner and walked in. We sat down in a booth and had small talk until the waitress came over. 

"Can we get two milkshakes?" Josh asked, she nodded her head and write it down.

"And what flavours?" She asked looking back at him.

"Ill get a chocolate and," Josh looks at me.

"Ill get a strawberry please." She smiled at me and nodded her head.

She walked away. We sat silently when Josh mentioned "I didn't know that Kingston was your brother.

"Yeah he's my older brother" I looked at him.

"Do you have any other siblings?" Josh questioned

"I have an older, older brother who's off to university." The waitress came over with out milkshakes, we thanked her and I started to sip mine.

"This is so good!" He says with a mouth full of milkshake. I laugh as he sounded like a little kid. The bell of the diner went off and I look up and see Peter and Gen, my smile fades. Josh looks at me confused and follows my eyes. 

"You like him don't you?" He sounded disappointed, I gave him a sad look and shook my head, I looked down at the table. 

"It's dumb, but i'm trying to get over it." I sigh, he can see i'm hurt that Peter and Gen are here. We both start to sip our milkshakes awkwardly due to the conversation. I hear someone walk towards us.

"Hey Kenna, surprised to see you here with someone other than your brother, it's sad really, you're always following him and Peter around." She smirks at me, I look at her in disgust. 

"Who's this?" She asks sliding into the booth beside me. I notice Peter walks out of the bathroom.

"I'm Josh" he answers coldly. Peter spots Gen and come joins us.

"Oh Josh, you don't have to pity her. She seems to do better on her own." She says as if I'm not sitting right beside her,I let out an awkward laugh not knowing what to say. Peter slides in next to Josh but doesn't interrupt the conversation. I start to sip my strawberry milkshake and almost choked on it when I heard what Josh said. 

"Actually we're on a date." He smiles at me, I look up at him and he gives me that 'play along with it' look. Peter looks at me confused and Gen looks shocked.

"Well good luck with your date," Gen stands up with her purse in hand, "come on Peter, let's go find a table." They walk to the other side of the diner but Peter looks back and me and gives me a lop sided smile.

"A date?" I ask, Josh looks at me apologetically.

"I know, I'm sorry, I just didn't want her talking to you like that and it was the first thing that came out of my mouth." I looked over at them across the diner and so did Josh. "And did you see the look on Peter's face?" 

I look at him confused, "What?" Josh looks at me as if I'm dumb.

"You're so clueless, he had the jealous shock look on his face. You've got to admit that was hilarious." 

"Well I don't think he'd ever be jealous, why would he be, he doesn't like me." I look out the window, I can't imagine Peter ever liking me. A girl can dream right?

"You know" Josh starts, "I can prove it to you" He looks at me and smiles.

"Prove what?" by now I'm very confused on what is going on.

"Prove that Peter can be jealous of you when you're with someone else." Josh says seriously.

I laugh, "Oh yeah? How are you going to do that?" I sit back in the booth. 

"You. Me. Boyfriend. Girlfriend?" He said in a 'duh' tone. My eyes go wide at his suggestion.

"You really think that's going to work?" I ask curious, I mean it wouldn't hurt to try, would it?

"one hundred percent." He smiles confidently.

I sigh and look back over at the couple and I think. "Screw it, let's give it a try." 

"Yes!" Josh said jumping up and knocking over his milkshake. "Oops" He said looking at the mess, he tries cleaning it up but the waitress comes over. 

"It's fine, i've got it." She has a rag in her hand. 

"Um sorry here," Josh hands her money and I take a quick sip of my milkshake. I join Josh, walking out means passing Peter and Gen. Josh notices and puts his hand in mine, we intertwine fingers. He looks at me and smiles. Peter watches us walk by, he's staring us down like crazy. Maybe this is going to work, maybe he'll finally see that he belongs with me. 


WOOT WOOT!! What do you guys think of Josh and Kenna? It's basically To All The Boys Ive Loved Before but with a major twist!!

you belong with me {Peter Kavinsky AU} slow updatesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu