The beast returns

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"Sorry about that the ship sort of toppeled over this was not on purpose I assure you, " Willow says though not getting up and she kisses him slowly then deicides it is time for her to get up.

"No problem with me dollface, I like when the woman is on top anyways, now lets go see what woke us from that heavenly slumber," he says winking at Willow who blushes some and runs top deck to find the whale so she goes back below as soon as she sees it and they meet one another's eyes. Jack follows her and grabs her wrist before she sits.

"Aren't you the one who is telling everyone to face their fear?" he asks with a smirk and she rolls her eyes and grabs a spear.

"Your right lets go after the beast who tried to kill us," Willow says stomping up top again.

"Now that is the girl I fell in love with," Jack says grabbing a sword once he is back on the top deck with a huge grin that would make your mama cry.

"Is right now really the time to be expressing your feelings towards her," Elijah yells from the crows nest which Willow begins to climb higher than he is and out past the sails.

"What do you mean our parents got married in the middle of a fight with Barbosa as the justice of the piece there is never a more perfect time. Especially since I was just sleeping with him," Willow says and her brothers gasps as she leaps down with Jack and her brother following behind and they all take a slice at the whale who in turn flips over on his back with us still on him. Willow floats into the abyss with no sight of the ship, her brother or Jack. I try to swim and fight the mermaid dragging deeper into the water. But cannot so she get deeper and deeper into the water and she suddenly feels her heartbeat stop. That is when the worry of no return sets in however, as she is about to blackout she sees a glimpse of Jack fighting the mermaid who is dragging her down and kills it leaving blood as her last sight. The last thing she remembers is Jack grabbing her by her waist and swimming as fast as he can back to the ship so she can finally breath again.

Willow wakes up three days later the mermaid put her in a coma as well as lack of good air to breath. "How long have I been out?" is the first thing she asks Jack who is lying next to her.

"Three days you had me worried everyone kept telling me you were dead and I was sleeping with a dead girl and I was scared I had really lost because you are the one woman to walk into my life that I am truly in love with and I did not want to lose you after everything we had been through," Jack says with a tear in his eyes he rushes towards and she presses her lips against his and her hands have gained feeling because they are going through his hair and grabbing his head. His left arm is doing the same on her and before they know it he is ontop of her as they are making out but the session ends when her brother walks in.

"Children, there is another beast it seemed the whale had a friend called the great white shark so if you two are done smacking we can all go start fighting ," her brother says anxiously and Jack gets off of Willow winking at her as she gets and she rolls her eyes at her brother as she grabs her spear which just so happens to be right next to Jack's but she is focused on the shark when it hits against the bottom deck. Willow darts to the top sees this is not your average great white shark. Which why in the world would it be since heaven forbid Captain Sparrows crew ever fight a normal beast. There is a scar straight across its eye as if it were a pirate shark. Willow guesses that a pirate is who gave the beast the scar and she begins to feel empathy for it however this does not lasts as it grabs a nearby crew member in one chomp like he was a load of nothing. Without even thinking everything through Willow throws her spear at the other eye so now at least the shark is blinded.

"Nice one Willow," Jack says from the top of the crows nest launching himself down upon the shark however it turns to swallow him and Elijah jumps and shoves him back on the deck before the shark can grab him.

"What were you thinking showoff this creature is a lot quicker than the whale, you have already been swallowed once," Elijah says.

"What is your plan?" Jack asks gently knowing that this could be his future brother-in-law so he does not want to cross any lines.

"One is a distraction while four of us go for the kill because it will take more than one hit from different angels. Willow you have the best aim you are at the crows nest, I am at the head, Mikey you go through the port and go for the under belly, Jack you are at the back since you have the longest legs. William and Johnny you are the distraction. You three wait for my signal to attack yes even you Mikey you all will know when I give the signal," he says and they all break and head to their stations.

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