Chapter 1

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Chleo's picter above..

Chleo's P.O.V

I'm going to do it I'm going to kill myself it's not like my dad well notice he's to busy with work and drinking. I don't have anyone.I don't even know how I made it up to 16. I walked into my class. Late. Again.

"I know I'm late I'm sorry it won't happen again"

I says to the teacher keeping me head down so she or anyone else can't see the dry eyeliner that had been running down my face. I take my sit at the back or the class like I always do. I pull of my phone and play my music. I copy the notes down (not that I really need them) I look at the time and see that the bell was going to go in 5..4..3..2.. RING!!!!

I pack put all my stuff and like always I'm the first one out for the school and I start to walk home when the school bad boy and player Josh pulls up and said he would give me a ride like he does everyday but only because we live right beside each other we have for our whole lives so kinda knows that I've tried to kill myself 5 times already he's the one who found me 4 times. The 5th my dad waked into my room when I was taking all of my anti-depressants at once. Josh looks at me and sees how my makeup is all massed up.

"Oh my god Chleo not again come on get in" Josh says. I walk to the side of he's big black truck and hope in.

"I'm fine it's not what you think Josh i can walk home" I tell him

"No way am I falling for that again plus your already in the truck so I'll just drive you home and we can talk " he says with a pity full small smile.

Hey what's up so that was the first chapter tell me what you think and please vote😆 I'll be back with more as soon as I can think of something good enough to publish feel free to give me ideas lol love yous bye💕

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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