Chapter Four: Lunch Table

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I soon was awaken by my alarm and sat up. I shut the alarm off and rubbed my eye's. I picked up my glasses and put them on my face. I got up and walked to the kitchen. I got a bowl and a box of cereal. I poured some cereal into the bowel and then set down the box. I opened the fridge and got out a jug of milk and poured a little bit of milk into the bowel, on top of the cereal. I put the milk back into the fridge and shut the door. I got a spoon and put it in the bowl and carried it to the table. I got a chair and sat down in front of the bowl. I picked up the spoon and began eating. I soon finished and took my bowel to the kitchen and put it on the contour. I walked to my bedroom. I walked inside and shut the door behind me. I went over to my closet and took a T-Shirt off a hanger and threw it on my bed. I got a pair of dark jeans and threw them on the bed as well. I quickly took my pants and shirt of and put on the T-Shirt and jeans I put on the bed. I quickly got a pair of black socks and put them on. I picked up my backpack and put it across my back. I picked up my phone and quickly slid it into my pocket. I walked out of the room and toward the door. I opened the door and walked out of the house and shut the door. I hurried to the area I would meet Nole at. When I got there I was the only one there. Nole soon came running towards me. "Hey!" He yelled. He soon was standing next to me and we began walking. "Sorry I was late, My brother's coming home from collage today after school and I'm just very excited." He said. "I didn't know he went to collage..I thought he went to get a job in another country." I said. He laughed. "Nah, He doesn't have enough guts to get a job." He said and I laughed. We talked the whole way there. We walked inside the school and went our separate ways to go to our homerooms. I walked inside the room and went to my desk and sat down. I sat next to the window, so I had a pretty good view. I stared at the window as people were coming into the school. Most of the people in my class were soon in the room by now. The teacher soon came into the room and sat at her desk and looked through some papers. I wonder if I'll be able to go see him after school..It's been a couple years.. I sighed. I was soon passed a paper and picked up my pencil and started writing and filling in answers. Once I was finished I put my pencil down and put my head on my hand and stared out the window again. A few minutes later the bell rang and I got up and walked out of the room and then so did everyone else. It was soon lunch time and I went to the cafeteria. I walked into the large room and sat down at a table. Nole soon came running toward the table with a smile on his face. "Hey..! Don't run..!" I told him. He laughed and then sat down. I took out my lunch, which was in a paper bag. I took out a turkey-sandwich that was in a plastic bag. I opened the plastic bag and took it out. I took a big bite out of it and then began chewing. "So, Did you ask her yet..?" He said. I swallowed the food that was in my mouth. "Are you crazy..? No way..She literally just met me. She'd think I'm like one of those kind of guys.." I said. He laughed. "Alright, Alright..Maybe it will take just a bit more time then." He said while taking out his lunch. We talked and ate our food until we saw a girl walking over here. We soon realized it was Alyssa. "What is she doing..?" I whispered. "I dunno..Just go with it.." He whispered back. "Hey guys, I just wanted to thank you for the movie yesterday since I forgot to thank you then." She said with a smile. "No problem, I'm glad you enjoyed it." He said. "Um..Also, Zack.." She said while walking closer to me. "Thanks for..Holding my hand..." She whispered while putting her hand at the side of her mouth. I smiled and laughed. "No  problem." I whispered. "So, you guys mind if I sit with you for a while?" She asked. "Sure, help yourself." Me and Nole both said. She laughed and then sat down in between me and Nole and we talked and ate our food. 

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