(Chapter 12) Lunch Room Surgery

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"Wait really?"

"Yes Gemma for the nine millionth time yes!" I had just finished telling Gemma about what happened yesterday. She apparently didn't understand. She nods slightly as she watches me struggle to shut my locker that was crammed with books and what not.

"Instead of staring get your ass over here and help!" I shout while still pushing and smacking the cold blue metal that apparently hates me. Also I started my morning off by waking up to finding out that i ruined my brand new pair soft white pajamas shorts. Why might you ask? Oh well apparently Mother Nature fucking hates me because my period came three days early so yeah my day is just fan-fucking-tastic!

"Or you could actually clean it out sometime?" She says with a huff as she effortlessly slams it shut while I just state at it in anger. Gem just giggles while wiggling her fingers in a wave as she leaves for her class.

"Dumbass locker..." I mumble as I head off to my next period which I might hate even more than that stupid locker!


I groan as I near the door knowing that this was going to be a long and painful hour. Really I don't see how anyone likes math it makes my brain hurt and half of it you arent even going to need if your going to get a normal job I guess for like normal I mean not being a teacher or a scientist.

"Miss. Laymen I will not tolera-"

"Yeah yeah I get it being tarty is a no no!" I shout while heading to the back of the class of frustration. Gasps were heard as the others started to whisper and stare. I freeze when I realize what I just said and turn around to look at my teacher Mr. Moler who was fuming.

"Excuse me?"

I look at him with no words before looking at all the people in the room who were also staring at me including Alec and his little friend who were just smirking.

Great just great...

I just love giving him and his lag dogs more shit to bother me about. Because like why not right? My eyes snap back to Mr. Moler when he started to shout.

"How dare you yell at me in my class Aura I am so disappointed in you! You damn well know better than to do that! Now get out of my class immediately!" He holds out a pink slip to me while pointing to the door.


"OUT!" He yells louder while his face visibly gets redder in anger.

Well at least I don't have to sit through an hour of his lesson that makes my brain hurt.

I huff as I rip the paper out of his hand and push the door open forcefully and shuffle out into the hall.

"This day just keeps getting better!" I shout sarcastically as I head down to the detention hall.


I slam my tray of food on the gray lunch table with a huff basically scaring the shit out of both girls.

Damn whats wrong with you?" Rylan asks as she sets down her half eaten chicken nugget. I huff as I throw my annoying curls out of my face.

"Don't. ask." I say as I throw my bag on the floor and sit across from the two.

"But I just did." She says with a smirk as she finishes the nugget. I send her a glare while stabbing my salad with a fork. She frowns and looks at her sister who just shrugs before going back to her food knowing that if I'm pissed and not wanting to talk its best to leave me be because I tend to explode if nagged.

His Possesion...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ