~The place we call home~

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  Rachel sat on the window sill of the old run down fire station building. Her now short blond

hair which ended at her shoulders shinning due to the iluminecent blue moon above in the

dark night sky. A warm sigh escaped the now 19 year olds lips her bright blue lifeless peepers

tired and ghost like. "ya good ray?" A familiar rough voice asked snaping Rachel out of her

staring contest with the moon. She turned to see her friend. Zack stood there dressed in a

hoodie which matched his always black messy hair.   His scuffed up red jeans on along with his

boots. Concern painted his bandaged face "yeah..im alright" Rachel answered her eyes unsure if

she was or not. "Cant sleep?" Zack the now 26 year old asked as he sat beside her his eyes

catching the moonlight as well. "yeah.." Rachel breathed out slowly trying to figure out how to

answer his next possible questions. "you dont seem so sure" Zack chuckled lightly his maniacal

laugh hiding within his tired tone.   " yeah I suppose I don't.." Rachel trailed off only to face the

moon once again along with Zack. The firestation they had found about a year ago was covered

in graffiti and was stained with a few burns here and there.The red brick walls giving the top

floor in which they stayed in, a more hideaway feel to it. The air was clean with your occasional

speck of dust. Sometimes zack would find animals roaming around the property.   Upstairs sat a

small kitchen and a sofa and Tv that Rachel and Zack had taken a while back to create a living

room like vibe near the large window they sat at. Hammock's sat in the extra 2nd floor room

where fire equipment sat once before. That is where the two of them had been sleeping. A small

bathroom was downstairs. no running water was still in the building.   The building was far from

the rest of the community but not to far. After years of running the cops gave up on the chase

but kept a sharp look out for the two criminals. "do you ever wonder what the cops could be

thinking?" Rachel asked as she leaned her head on Zacks shoulder question in her dull eyes.

"nah why worry about what those bastards think anyway?" Zack asked his tone childish but

kind of serious. "I mean shouldn't we be worried?" Rachel asked "well I don't think so?" Zack

asked as though it was a question "come on ray lets go to bed" Zack said as he stood up only to

flash his insane but comforting grin "ok.." Rachel sighed as she got up. As the two of them laid in

their hammock's Rachel became defeated by her tiredness and feel into a deep sleep along with

Isaac foster. After all this was the place they called home.

A new story (angels of death)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora