Chapter 1:

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This is How You Breathe Inhale.... Exhale.

As me and Toby enter backstage to the concert, I look around to see how many people there were. I was astonished to see no one. I do an internal happy dance before we sit down on a couch.

After 5 minutes of boredom, I give up and put in my headphones, blasting the song "burnin' up" by the Jonas Brothers. At my favorite part, Toby tapped my shoulder. I gave him the one-more-second sign with my finger. Before singing out loud. After the song finishes, I take out the headphones and look at Toby.

 "How may I be of assistance?" I ask him, in a 'royal' accent.

 "You're little boy band has been waiting on you," he says, motioning behind me. I take a quick glance behind me to see all of the 5 seconds of summer band members right there. Holy. Flippen'. Corn dogs! I just sung in front of 5sos! And my step-dad called them a boy band! My cheeks were flaming and I sat frozen, unable to look behind me and face my idols. Fudge my life right now! I took a deep breath before finally turning back around. Oh. My. Lord. They are way hotter in person! Hehe, hotter, that's like putting Harry and Potter together, but Harry isn't hot. *shivers* nope, not at all. I realized  I was still in front of 5 seconds of summer.

 "Sorry, I was-uh thinking about....something random." I say blushing again. They just give me confused looks. "I'm Alexis, by the way." I say

 "We'd introduce ourselves, but you should know us," Luke replies. I decided to trick them by responding

"Uhhhh...... I know him," I point at a random dude in the background, "but you guys, no. I paid over $200 to meet him, and only him," the sarcasm could be noticed a mile away. I start to smirk.

 "Wait, really?" Calum asks.

 "No, did you actually believe that? Of course I know you guys!"

Calum just let's out a laugh and mumbles "I knew that." I sit there awkwardly, not knowing what else to say.

Ashton then speaks up "Welp, I didn't expect this meeting to be this awkward. I was expecting screaming and..." he makes his voice higher "....OMG I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN!!!" I give him a look of disbelief.

"I can't say something that isn't true."

Toby butts in "yes you can!" I place my hand over his mouth.

 "Shush the bubble gum up!" I growl. He chuckles. I look back at the boys and they break out laughing.

"What the hell!" Luke cries.

"You don't hear that everyday!" Calum adds.

 "I am an innocent child! I will not speak of those god forsaken words!"

Toby squints his eyes at me. "When did all this happen? Did you forget about cussing out your father when you guys went ice skating and he made you fall?" I sigh remembering that moment clearly.

"Not the time, Toby. Not the time."  Michael then sits down next to me, I try not to hyperventilate or fangirl. Calum and Luke take the love seat next to us, and Ashton just sits on the floor, messing with the carpet.

 "What is your favorite color?" Luke speaks up.

 "Black," I respond easily.

 "Favorite season?" Ashton asks.

"Winter." I shrug.

"Favorite animal?" Calum asks.

"Hard decision there, I love animals, either a wolf or a sloth." I say.

"Favorite band memeber?" Michael asks smirking. Holy cow! He knows he's my favorite I look over at Toby, with the most deadliest glare on my face. Of course Toby told him, he had a smug look on his face. I'll get him back one day. Then an evil idea came to mind

"Josh Dunn," hehe a twenty one pilots band member. "You weren't specific," I laugh.

 "No!" Michael whines. "You're favorite band member of 5 seconds of summer, of us four here!" He pouts.

 "I dislike you," I say to Toby, which he returns with a grin.

"My favorite person is...." I start to very quietly whisper "...M.c....l....Cl...f.rd." I divert my eyes.

"What was that?" Michael asks.

 "You," I say defeated.

"HA! See! I am her favorite, all of you can lick my pixie stick!!" Michael shouts at the others. He slaps a hand over his mouth when he realized what he just said. "My bad, I uh, I don't have an excuse so Imma just shut up."

Meet You Thereजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें