I deserve a TV show...

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I would be a great Oprah or Dr. Phil-

I mean, I could be just like Dr. Phil, except pale, half gay, and I have bedn called a furry a lot more times-

But yeah-

I hope that made someone giggle somewhere, because we all need that right now,

We all meed each other,

I mean, this whole romance thing, I wish I could just assign people to date.

I mean, how much easier would this be if we were all like 6 years old again and I could just tell you all to apologize and hug it out. If I could just say, Heather and Veronica, Brooke Chloe Christine, Alana Zoe, and Jared Evan Connor-
And everything could be okay-

I want to just tell you all to look at the facts and that even if you or someone else screwed up we are all only human, we ALL will screw up- I have before-

It is okay to make mistakes as long as you are willing to forgive those that make them as well-

But i am not your parent,
Your not 6 years old still,
I can't tell you what to do,
And I am definitely not Dr. Phil,

But I can tell you all that no matter what happens, I am down to be your friend. I will be a shoulder to cry on for all of you and I promise I will do whatever I can to make you all happy-

So, if all else fails, you know where to find me-

The Humiliations and Hassles of being a Teenage NobodyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora