
Hello Aster, I hope your summer holiday is going well, I heard the big Quidditch World Cup is happening soon, be safe and have fun there. I do wish to see you soon and makeup all the time I haven't seen you, and as your godfather, I hope that time is well spent. In this, I gave you one of the best chocolates I've ever tried. I know it's late, Happy Birthday. Black is doing fine, he's resting in a hidden place, he told me he's begging to meet you. Write soon.

Your godfather, R.J. Lupin

Hey, Lupin/Remus/Señor Wolfy/Godfather, well I'm not sure what to call you. Tell him I say hello and that I hope we meet as well, and I hope to see you too of course. Thank you for the chocolate, I bet it's amazing. Maybe sometime I can go over, or the Weasleys would be more than happy to have you along here, I can talk to Molly about it. I will do that actually, I'm excited already, I may have eaten too much cake and chocolate, whoops. How is everything over there and whatnot?



"Aster," a female's voice said to her, "wake up, it's time to go," Ginny's voice became more clear and excited, "I won't hesitate to bring Fred in here," she warned, a smile evident in her face.

"Try me," Aster groaned, her eyes still closed, she laid on her stomach and gave a low chuckle. Ginny laughed, stepped out of the room and appeared with two more sets of feet. Aster still didn't move, "you wouldn't dare," she muttered with her voice muffled by the pillow.

"Hello," similar voices echoed, one a slight bit lower than the other. As they did so, the two jumped on the bed and sat on her back.

"No," she muttered, "why do we have to get up so early?" She asked as they bounced on the bed, after a few seconds, she finally decided to wake up, "jump one more time and I'll make your toes too big for your feet." They suddenly stopped and got off the bed while snickering.

"Fiesty one in the morning, ain't she?" Fred chuckled, looking at Ginny who was packing a bag.

"Oh, shut it," Aster growled once again, throwing a pillow at them as they left. "Can you hand me that bar of chocolate," she asked Ginny, rubbing her face and sliding on her glasses, Ginny handed her the chocolate and smirked.

"Grumpy without your morning chocolate?" She joked with a smile, Aster sent her a playful glare and smiled. Getting up she took her bag and began to walk out the door before turning to Aster once again, "get your bag and get dressed, we leave in two hours."

Aster grabbed a small bag and put some money and some clothes inside, along with grabbing her violin case and strapping it onto the bag. She sighed, putting on some new clothes and slung the bag over a shoulder, her violin making a clanking noise as it hit the bag.

Walking down the stairs, she heard singing from the kitchen and soon saw Fred and George around Ron who looked gloomy as the twins sang about the Irland Quidditch team. Aster gave Ron a slight pat on the shoulder as Molly greeted her a good morning. As the twins stopped singing, words were replaced with laughter as Mr Weasley entered the kitchen and greeted every one of the children. Hermione and Ginny giggled about something earning a glare from Fred as he went to standby Aster.

"Ready everyone?" Mr Weasley smiled. "We will see you after the game," he assured his wife who gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Oh, Aster here's some toast for the walk," Molly smiled as she handed the girl some toast, Aster thanked her then did a double take on what Molly had just said.

Promised [F.W.]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang