Chapter Eighteen

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So I hit 100 followers today.
Or it might've been like..
late last night but either way, it happened!
that's cool.
Anyway, because of this I'm going to do like.. a Q&A.
So..y'all write questions and I'll answer them in the next chapter or in the comments.

Alex Pov
Though I'm dating John, it's sort of under wraps.

If anyone found about this shit, I'm not sure exactly what would happen, but John seems to have a pretty good idea...
so I'm going to do as I'm told for once, (only because it's John)
and not tell anyone.

And I didn't even realize how bad I wanted to leave prison until I was presented with the idea.

I climbed down from my bed.
It was around midnight..or A.M.ish.

"Where are you going?" John asked, his voice groggy.

"Shh..Imma go do some dumb stuff."
I said.

He sat up and hit his head on the top bunk. I snickered while he angrily got up.

"God damn bed." He muttered.

"Do you wanna come do the dumb stuff with me?" I asked.

"Yeah! Sign me the fuck up!"
He exclaimed.

"Be quiet!" I whisper shouted. "Wait..the cell is are you gonna get out?" He asked.

"Well..I could try to picklock it or...try and go through the little spaces in the cell." I said.

"That's dumb." He noted.
"Yeah, I fucking know." I muttered.

"Why are you trying to leave the cell? You can't escape the building like that. Believe me. I've seen other guys try it. All it ends up in is tasing and solitary confinement."
John said.

"Yeah well I'm not trying to escape. We already have our little plan. I'm going to go scavenge for some alcohol or some shit to give to the guards if they try to check our cell."
I said.

I noticed how John flinched ever so slightly at the mention of alcohol.

"Can't you just it in the morning?" He asked.

"No! Guards will be fuckin everywhere!" I exclaimed.

He wiped his eyes and yawned.
Then he looked like he was hit with a sudden realization.

"No, what if tomorrow we get like..
Jared and Thomas to fight and while the guards try to pry them apart we go hunting for..contraband."
John told me.

I considered it, nodding slowly. "Yeah..yeah that would work."
I muttered.

"And it's not as risky as your idea. Sure, I'm mean it's pretty fuckin dumb but so is breaking out of prison." He said.

I nodded again.
"Okay. Yeah." I said.

He smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
We walked back to his bed and I stopped.

" want me to-"
"Sleep in my bed? Yes. I'm dating you, aren't I?" He asked, a smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes and crawled into bed with him. He wrapped himself around me.

I smiled, curling up.
I like this way too fucking much.

He rubbed my back and somehow, my grin managed to get wider.

"You really like this don't you?" He muttered.

"Bitch what do you think?" I whispered. He snickered.

"I'm a touch deprived gay leave me alone." I whispered.

He chuckled and pulled me closer to him.

"What if a guard sees us in the morning?" I muttered.

"They won't do shit. Sure, they might judge us but they can't beat us up like prisoners can. They'd lose their job." John said softly.

"Yeah. But what if-"
"They won't do anything."
"But what if that...that one guard comes back?" I asked.

"He won't."
"Are you sure?"
"Certain. Besides, I'd protect you."

I scoffed.
"I would!" He exclaimed.

I snickered.
"Thanks John."

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