"We filming tonight boys! David got a new girl with his ex-girlfriend in the house!" Todd yelled and David and I both gave him the same look. 

"I met him last night, lets relax there," I explained and everyone laughed, going back to do whatever it was that they were doing, "I still have to edit, so I get me when you need me," I said to David and he just nodded his head, letting me set up in another room from them. 

"So, do you make videos too?" Kristen asked me to which I explained. 

"I mean, sort of? I make music so I film and edit my own music videos and lyric videos," I explained and Kristen smiled and nodded her head. We sat and talked for a few minutes, just getting to know each other more and more. Soon Liza ended up joining us, and I knew she felt sort of awkward around me, I could feel it. 

"So? How did you and David meet?" Liza asked me and I looked over at her with a smile. 

"You know we're just friends, right? I met him at Dom's party last night. Hasn't even been a full 24 hours of knowing him," I explained and she shrugged it off, but I could tell she was still bothered by it. 

"Even if you weren't, it doesn't matter. David and I are still close friends," I nodded my head and started to work on my video again, but was stopped when I saw Dave come into the room. 

"Ella, I need you," he explained and held up a blindfold. 

"No, I'm not. Nope!" I screamed and stayed where I was, everyone laughing at my reaction. 

"C'mon, please?! It'll be funny!" I shook my head once again and stayed put. 

"It's not happening. I don't trust you, you're an asshole behind the camera!" I joked once again, everyone now pulling out their cameras as they knew something was about to happen. 

"Watch the language! C'mon!" he yelled and I groaned, standing up and following him outside to where he wanted me to be. I laid down on the ground and looked up at him. 

"If it moves, I'm killing it then I'm killing you!" I screamed and let him blindfold me, giving him a second to get ready. I heard some footsteps and then a heavy weight on me, "Dave, what the hell is on me right now?" I asked and I heard everyone laugh, "It's a human, I know that, so I won't die. That's a plus," I explained and everyone continued to laugh. 

"A little birdy told me I was your favorite YouTuber?" I swear to God I felt my heart drop to the floor. 

"No fucking way!" I screamed out and ripped the blindfold off, seeing Josh Peck sitting on top of me right now. He stood up and pulled me into a hug, everyone 'awe-ing' at my reaction, "You have a wife now, let me pull away before I do something I might regret," I joked and everyone laughed, cutting the cameras. 

"I told you, you would be fine!" David yelled at me and I walked over, pulling him into a hug. 

"You're sweet, thank you, 0Dave," I explained and Todd then looked over at us. 

"You sure you're not a thing?" I then grabbed one of Link's toys and whipped it at him as fast and hard as I could, "What the hell! She got an arm!" Toddy yelled and I shrugged. 

"I played softball," I said and followed everyone back into the house a smile on my face as I realized my video had rendered and was ready for posting on Saturday. 

"We're gonna go to get something to eat, do you want to come with us?" Scotty asked me and I looked around to see what everyone's reactions were, and they all seemed okay with it. 

"Yeah, totally," I smiled and everyone then set off to go get ready for this dinner tonight. 

I then felt someone come up behind me, spinning around I saw it was David, "Thank you for my surprise, it was awesome," I smiled and he nodded his head, shrugging. 

"It wasn't a big deal, don't sweat it. I needed the footage," he explained and I felt a little off by that statement. I didn't know this kid well, but from that statement, it sounds like he'll only do nice things for someone if he can film it and put it in his vlog. 

"You guys ready?" Zane asked and we all nodded, I following behind David. I got into his car alongside Jason, Todd, Josh, and Heath. I went to get into the backseat, considering one of his friends would sit in the front, but apparently, his friends thought otherwise. 

"Uh uh, you're next to your boyfriend baby," Heath joked and I rolled my eyes, sitting in the passenger's seat with a sigh. 

"Ew. I have to sit with you," David teased, and I rolled my eyes, shoving him lightly.

"Shut up and don't kill us Dobrik," I shot back and watched as he set up his camera, pressing record. 

"Hey, guys! I'm here with a few people and this is a little segment called 'Driving with Friends'" David said and blasted a song he knew everyone would jam out to. I laughed and sang and danced alongside them, and then halfway through that song, Dave began to play one of my own songs. I gasped and went to go shut off the radio, but he blocked it with his hands. 

"David! Don't you dare!" I screamed and everyone looked at us confused. 

"Isn't this a great song guys!" David yelled and I glared him down, "It's Stella's newest song, go download it in the description box below! Anything to add guys!" David yelled and Scotty cracked some stupid joke that made all of us laugh. I knew this was an amazing group of friends that I never wanted to leave. 

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