tragic mindset

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Haymitch had been granted yet another opportunity to travel to the Capitol to see yet another pair of tributes die. District 12 never had the best of luck with talented contenders, nor did they get the best sponsors. Haymitch honestly lost all hope in saving any life that was placed in his hands to mentor.

He tells this years tributes the same thing he does to the others every year, "Welcome to a beautiful and tragic way to die. Spend your last days in luxury and gluttony, because you will never be  to taste sweet chocloate or lamb soup after you die." Haymitch sees the hope lost in his tributes eyes, and walks away beating his chest and head silly and taking pulls on the bottles of whiskey and vodka he scavenged from Effie's attempt to rid the dining car of booze.

"Honestly, I have no idea why he spends his time being so negative." Effie says as she places the bottles of alcohol in the cart that an avox has rolled next to her. Effie rubs her bloated and life filled belly and smiles at her blessing of what she deemed as a one night stand in her secret marriage to Haymitch. She smiles and giggles when the baby kicks.

The children in the dining car not a day older than 13 years old broke heart when they were reaped, but look up at her with glistening eyes. Tears stream down their dirty faces. The boy wipes his runny and drippy nose on the sleeve of his sweater, a stream of gooey boogers sticking to the fabric. Effie smiles and holds his face. She retrieves a hanky from her pocket of her golden and black embroidered dress and wipes the little boys nose.

"Blow." She demands in her glowing amd chirpy voice.

The little boy presses and blows his nose. He thanks Effie as she retracts her hand like she is holding an abominable thing.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Don't be so sad, you two! Think of the opportunity placed before you! Wouldn't it be womderful to bring glory and food to your district? You will be treated like royalty there. I promise you, if you perish, it will be with happy thoughts." As soon as Effie finishes forming the words that came out of her mouth, she regrets them. But it is too late.

The little girl with brown pigtails races out of the dining car, and in the process, rips her loaned dress on the corner of the table.

"Oh, dear." Effie says, bringing a hand up to her mouth in a little to late effort to shove the words back in her mouth that just helped destroy a life.

A Swimmimg Drunk, A Hypocritical Capitol Citizen-Finnick's Origins.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum