Part 3

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Natasha's pov.

Two months passed since Steve and I met again. The things complicated a lot, we became the most wanned people in England and we couldn't just easily get on the plane and leave.

We continued staying at the hostel, but our rooms weren't even on the same floor and beacuse of that Steve insisted for us to stay most of the time in his room. We paid for the rooms with stolen money, what Steve refused to do so many times, beacuse he doesn't want to steel. It was weird during our first month untill we get used to each other, we weren't talking much, just sitting in the same room, for our safety. Sometimes I didn't go to my room to take a shower I did it in Steve's room and whenever he saw me in wrapper, he just couldn't stop starring at my bare legs. I could only blush and smile.

He didn't mind that I was staying at his apartment the whole time, we get used to each other. Sometimes I accidentally would fall asleep on his bed and in the morning I would find myself next to him or even in his embrace. We were good friends before this, but after this two months, we really grow up closer, as partners. I developed feelings for him, that were unexplainable to me. I was used to live alone and I didn't minded. I liked the loneliness, but with Steve by my side I never wanned to feel loneliness again.

We shared the work equally, I was making breakfast and he was making dinner, but we were prepeapreparing the lunch together. It was my favorite part, we were having so much fun and in that way we became even closer. During the meals I caught him starring at me few times, and I must admit it was akward... two people alone, but then I get used to it.

And sometimes I just got lost in his purity and couldn't stop glaring at him. We laid together on the couch and from time to time he would start to play with my hair as we were watching TV. I don't remember since when we started cuddling in bed at night, that was my favorite habit. We didn't reasoned why we did that, but my reason was beacuse it was cold in our rooms so we just cuddled till we fall asleep. And sometimes in the morning he would kiss my neck, that was his way of waking me up.

We were sitting one afternoon watching TV, when he came closer to me and sat next to me. I turned to face him, after I noticed his glare.

Steve's pov.

Steve: I dreamt about you so many times when I was in Wakanda. Her emerald eyes started glowing as I begin to talk.

Natasha: Really? What were you dreaming about me?

She made curious face, instead of what she would have done if I had told her this two years ago, instead of a smirk she was looking at me as a friend. But now she was more to me, my life partner, my best friend. We weren't romantically involved, I developed something huge for her that I couldn't explain.

Steve: Mostly some funny memories or missions, but there was one that confused me a lot. She kept starring at my eyes, and mine would eventually fell on her lips or they travelled up from her toes to her face.

Natasha: Tell me about it. Her voice was little demanding, also confusing a lot. I didn't know how would this conversation end, but I wanned for her to know about my dreams.

Steve: Well... I dreamt finding you here...but than your behavior was completely weird.

Natasha's pov.

Natasha: What happened next? Please tell me Steve.

I had no clue what I might have done. Than to my mind came some uncomfortable thoughts. Did I told him that I love him? That's impossible, I wouldn't know even if I feel something for him. What if in the end he wants to tell me that? What if we had something more? And he dreamt about that? My mind was driving me crazy, but I listened carefully as he begin to describe his dream.

Steve: Firstly you asked me about my break up with Sharon, then to confuse me even more you told me that the reason for my break up was always in front of me and I should find it.

Natasha: You were in relationship with Sharon?! I was so angry, my blood boiled. He was with Sharon, when? My voice shouted inside my head.

Why did you hide that from me? I spoke bitterly.

Steve: Not that I hide that, I just forget to tell you. He was protecting himself.

Natasha: When did that happened? I hurried to say.

Steve: At the airport, when she came to give us our staff. But it was a thank you kiss, then I left her beacuse I realized that it wouldn't work... and I maybe like someone else.

Suddenly I forgot everything, my mind focussed on his last words. He likes someone else, my heart skipped several beats. I looked down and swallowed hardly. Then I looked up, but not at him.

Natasha: Who? I hardly said that, my voice cracking.

Steve: I don't think that now it's the best time to tell you or even to talk about that. Anyway what do you think about my dream? He changed the subject and I pinched myself to come back in the reality.

Natasha: I really have no idea what that could be, but you know what people say. The things that you wish to happen in your reality, are happening in you dreams. My voice deep and calm. I said that and left the room, asking myself why did I even said that.

They are closer now, and they are so cute. What do you think will happen next? Do give your reviews.

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