The Sky's Little Trouble

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'Just a bit more...' Tsuna told himself as he practically dragged his feet to his office. All because of his headaches has started to reach migraine level. And to say, having that was never meant good for the brunet. Even after he dismissed his guardians.

'I think I should really take some medicine and get to bed early. I feel like coming down with something...' He inward sighed.

'-but if I did so then how about the party? I'm sure that my guardians will held one for me like they usually did, although I haven't heard anything since this morning... Though... should I tell them?' He thought to himself yet remain composed despite being the only person in that hallway. Or so he thought...

Luckily his HI was getting the best of him even though his line of sight couldn't see just where did his guardians hide in.

'But if I did then they'll worry for sure- dammit! This headache is getting worse...' yet he still refuses to show his pain.

'Relax, Tsuna... stressing yourself won't do you any good...'  he tried to advice himself as he breathed deeply. In the meantime, frowns lacing upon those faces as they exchange glances over Tsuna's voice.

All the while the said voices keep coming out from the brunet...

'I think I should have another pill... though, which should I take? the yellow or the blue one?' -Because having both of 'Happy' pills and aspirin would for sure knock him out cold. And he prefer to have his desk free from those evil paper beforehand.

Another sigh, "Okay then... here we go again..." and so he then pushed that big mahogany door before then he entered his cage- I mean, his office. Repeating his life cycle as he read those tiny syllables in different languages, calling some of his people once he found any miss, and giving a sky flame seal when it needed...

All before then, more less half an hour later, his fever suddenly rocketing as he somehow became very aware of his soreness. He felt his eyelids getting heavy as his sight swarmed around...

-and before he could register on what's going on he finally passed out...

Heart's Voice Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz