While You Were Out

Start from the beginning

I just wanted to get my hands on his car keys, so I could leave this city. Go back home, I have a sister to visit.

“So you’re saying that you felt bad for Lexi?” Damon signed he looked up at the sky then back at me.

“She became a walking, talking reminder of all the awful things I'd done. And I managed to avoid her for decades, and then she just shows up in Mystic Falls to wish my baby bro a happy birthday, and boom-- rush of memories, rush of guilt.”

“So you poison her and try to kill her? But you fail” I spoke bluntly.

“Out of sight, out of mind. Every day that you're like this is the day that you might do the one thing that you can't take back.” I picked at my nails as I looked at Damon.

“Here's what I don't get. You spent six months trying to get her to fall in love with you just so that you could hurt her. You were spiteful, malicious, borderline evil, and you say that you had your emotions turned off, but those all sound like emotions to me.”

Damon shrugged his shoulders he took a sip of his drink “Maybe they were. Maybe hatred was the first one I got back. All the more reasons to get you turn on your emotions. That way, we get the normal Victoria back without all the ugly stages in between.” I glared at him angrily “Whatever you’re going to do, I am not going to turn my emotions back on.” I started to walk away from him when Damon vamp-speed over and blocked me from walking any further.

“Yes, you are, even if I have to break your neck or tie you up in chains until you get your emotions back on” I started at him for a moment I glared at him icily “Your pathetic” I snapped at him before, snapping his neck.

Stefan’s Pov

“What do you mean by that?” I slammed mine and Katherine’s room door shut. “Let's just say it involves a 5' 7" Blondie” Damon spoke I signed sitting on the bed.

“Please don’t tell me this is going where I think it is.”  I begged. I had been trying to get in contact with Damon for a couple of hours now. Finally he had answered his phone and updated me on everything, which includes all the Victoria drama that has been going on.

“Wrong fantasy, brother. Unless you're into snapped necks.” He paused for a moment, cutting me off  “If you're searching for the words to tell me how badly I screwed up, save your breath.” I closed my mouth, Damon knew me way to well.

“Well what are you going to do now?” Damon singed on the other end of the line and I heard another scream coming from downstairs “What’s that sound?” he asked. I signed running my hands through my hair.

“Nadia. She’s been bitten by a werewolf. I’ve tried looking for Klaus, he’s no where to be found.” Damon made a sound “Oh. Listen I’ve got to go and search fro my emotionless wife. Who has stolen my car. Look after your child and Mystic Falls.”

I was about to hang up the phone when Damon spoke again “And kiss my nephew goodnight” I couldn’t help but smile when Damon hung up.

A part of me deep down broke-down as I recalled Ian’s death. Damon didn’t deserve any of this. He finally found his wife and had a picture perfect family and that all crumbled down in a matter of minutes.

I walked out of mine and Katherine’s room and made, my way to Adrian’s nursery. My phone vibrated in my pocket as I walked over to Adrian’s bed. Pulling out my phone I read the message from Caroline.

‘Would it be too much to ask, if you came over and helped me and Elena set up for prom?’  Hearing yet another scream from Nadia, I typed back ‘Sure. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you girls. I’ll be there soon’ with that I sent the message and looked over at Adrian who was sleeping peacefully.

Saving His Princess Of Darkness (Sequel To Love Will OverPower)Where stories live. Discover now