(Y/n): I've been able to produce heat with lightning. When someone id electrocuted they are actually being burned at the same time that is why their injuries sting and burn. But since i've practiced with my teigu I have been able to mess around with it. I can leave my lightning in an object without electrocuting it instead I can provide a current which continuously lets off heat. That hoodie has a current as we speak. That current is now all over your body keeping you warm.

His explanation made sense I could feel heat even on my legs which weren't covered up. I even felt some heat form on my face as I gripped the hoodie tighter. But I don't think that was the current..

Akame: Thank you..

He smiled at me and turned around.

I stared at his back for some time I didn't seem to be able to look away. His black T-shirt was stuck on him like glue. His black baggy pants were flailing all over the place it made me giggle cuz it seemed like he was just kicking his legs all over the place.

We could see the mountains weren't very far off and began our descent.

(Y/n) Pov

I hopped off the manta with Akame we both landed on our feet with a "thud". We began making our way to the base of operations that General Kronos was in. On our way there we did encounter some danger beasts but they weren't too hard to deal with.

As we kept walking we had to climb over steep hills and things like corpses. Wait..? Corpses?

Akame and I checked them out they were rebellion corpses. Whats going on here?

She gave me a look of worry and we both raced off to the base. To our utter surprise it was as if the base was already attacked before. There were corpses everywhere the stench of blood filled the air. Akame had a look of disgust while I just scrunched up my nose.

So was this an attack to try and take over the base? All these people risked their lives for nothing. I sighed and kept walking towards our destinstion.

Akame: It may be a bad time to ask. But how did you attain your lightning?

I shrugged. I didn't even know myself.

Akame: So it was hereditary?

I looked over to her.

(Y/n): What do you mean?

She put a finger under chin.

Akame: It means that you gained it from someone else. You don't need a weapon to use your lightning. So its basically already inside of you. Maybe one of your parents drank the blood of a danger beast that coukd use lightning so when you were born that ability was passed on to you.

Mmm. I never gave it much thought. I never cared about who my real parents were to tell the truth.. I never really was too keen on that subject but what she said did make sense.

Akame: Be on your guard.

I see her slowly grip her blade and pull it out some. I do the same as we enter the building all was dark because of the battle that had transposed. We stepped over corpses of the revolutionary army and some soldiers of the capital.

We kept on walking slowly to our target. We heard someone speak it sounded female.

???: Capital soldiers are weak. To be taken down by some mere revolutionary soldiers.

She kicked at a corpse.

???: You what is the location of your base? If you tell me I might not kill you.

We heard the voice of a man. He was afraid.

Rev Soldier: T-they.. are.. sou-

???: On second thought.. Don't tell me. It wouldn't be fun that way.

Akame Ga Kill x Male Reader (On Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now