Chapter 11

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Aurora's POV

After walking Autumn back to her tent and making sure she hydrated herself enough with water, I make my way back to my own tent. At a time like this I feel incredibly grateful that Hope has an air mattress and comfortable blankets.

It takes me nearly an hour because I'm tipsy and tired, but eventually I arrive at our large tent and climb inside, trying to be quiet because I notice Hope already laying down under the covers. I change into my shorts and tank top and drink an entire bottle of water and then slide underneath the blanket.

"Seems like you had fun tonight." I almost jump out of my skin at the sudden sound of Hope's voice in the dark. "You scared the shit out of me, I thought you were asleep," I say while holding my hand over my chest. "But yeah, it was an okay night." This is the first time she's spoken to me since the kiss and I'm anxious about what to say.

"Looked like you and that other girl were having a good time." she mumbles again. I think about her staring at Autumn and I after Autumn asked me to kiss her. "I can't believe that you're at a church camp and you went off with her to do God knows what." Hope hisses. Oh my god, did she think-? I sit up and turn on a small electronic lantern I had gotten from the gift shop, lighting the tent.

Turning to Hope who is still laying down, I almost yell, "I didn't do anything with her tonight, what do you mean?" She stays in her place, faced away from me and says, "Sure." I shake my head in frustration, I can't believe she thought I'd do something like that. "No, seriously. She was pretty drunk so I took her back to her tent because I wanted her to get there safe. I didn't go and... I didn't do something with her like that." Hope just scoffs.

Then she whispers, "You almost kissed her at the bonfire." Oh. So she definitely saw that for what it was. "N-no... well maybe, but she asked me to and I was a little drunk myself so I thought 'Why not?', but then I remembered that we were both drunk and literally at a church camp so no, I didn't. And I didn't do anything with her after!" I ramble a bit, but I want her to believe me. Hope finally rolls over and looks at me, her green eyes staring directly into mine. "Do you like her?" she asks.

My eyebrows furrow and I shake my head a little bit. Why does she even care? Is she so against me being a lesbian that she's going to get me to tell her everything and then run off to Father Gabriel and tell him? "No, I don't like her... like that at least. She's been a nice friend though." I shrug. Hope looks away for a second and stares at seemingly nothing. "You haven't exactly been so friendly towards me, not that you were my friend I mean. Just-" I think for a second. "Things got a little lonely again and then she showed up and was really nice."

Hope finally looks back to my eyes and whispers, "So I wasn't your friend?" Is she kidding? "Are you kidding?" I speak my mind and scoff. "You sure didn't act like my friend." Hope sits up and her face turns slightly angry. She glares at me for a minute and then says, "I was nice to you! I let you sleep in this tent with me with this air mattress and I ate with you and talked to you and got to know you more!"

This made my blood boil and my hands squeezed into fists in my lap. "Yeah, but then you fucking kissed me! Then you fucking called me a filthy lesbian! That's not exactly what a friend does, Hope!" I yelled and felt my face heat with anger. "How dare you feel angry? You hurt me!" Hope's mouth fell open and for a moment she looked more shocked than mad, but then looked away and clenched her jaw.

Almost silently, she whispered, "But... you hurt me too." What the hell was she talking about? I was nothing but nice and friendly to her when she's the one who messed things up! Hope turned away again and began running her hands through her long hair. "How did I hurt you? How?" I said through clenched teeth. She sighed and mumbled, "Forget it, Aurora. Forget I said anything."

Godless GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora