But, Olivia couldn't spend the day sitting on the cold steps outside Harry's home. If she wanted to see him, she had to stand up. If she didn't want to see him, she had to stand up. Either way, she would not solve her enigmatic thoughts by sitting. Still, she didn't budge.

Harry rounded the corner onto Greenwich Street, the liquor store bag bumping against his leg. He was trying to walk with a jovial skip to his step. It was Christmas Eve, the most wonderful time of the year. His mother and sister had arrived in New York for the holidays and Anne had already taken over Harry's kitchen. The smells and tastes of her concoctions were reminiscent of Harry's childhood. He was trying so hard to be in the holiday spirit, but Olivia and his unanswered text remained a constant on his mind.

It had been a ballsy text, and it may have surprised him if she'd answered him. Still, it didn't change that his text was his truth, and he wished it was hers. He would give anything for Olivia to be back in life. But, with the ring on her hand and the promise she made, this was a game he would lose. He needed to accept that and carry on with his life as he'd been carrying on for the past three years.

He sighed. Perhaps he'd call Hailey to come over. He hadn't wanted her around – she was too cuddly, too affectionate – and convinced her to spend Christmas Eve with her father. But perhaps, she would distract his mind from Olivia. If nothing else, she would always put out.

Harry was deep in thought as he approached the stoop steps, he almost didn't notice the woman sitting on the stair. He was planning to ignore her – he'd been in New York long enough to acquire some jadedness – but as he glanced at the woman out of the corner of his eye, he realised it was Olivia.

His heart jumped at his realisation. "Liv?" he questioned with curiosity, a small smile on his lips as he stepped towards her. His grin widened as her head shot up in response. He hadn't a clue why she was sitting on the cold cement steps, but he didn't care. All that mattered was she was there.

Olivia stared at Harry for a moment, surprised by his greeting. She pictured him inside, cozied up next to the Christmas tree with his dumb girlfriend, not out on the street. "Hi," she greeted, her voice sheepish as she stood up. She suddenly felt silly being on his doorstep. The t-shirt from Goodwill felt pathetic and small in her purse. Harry probably didn't even care about the shirt.

"Uhm... hi," Harry replied, a hint of disbelieving laughter in his voice. "What... what are you doing here?" he asked, his question kinder than the same question he'd asked Hailey. The difference was, he was happy to see Olivia.

"Well, uhm..." Olivia bit her lip, feeling stupid. She rifled through her purse and grabbed the t-shirt, thrusting it against Harry's chest. "I brought this back for you."

Harry looked down at the shirt. His stunned frown segued into a cheeky smirk. "You came all the way down here... on Christmas Eve... to bring me back an old Bon Jovi t-shirt that I found at a thrift store in Omaha?" He let out a chuckle as Olivia dropped her head, a red hue tickling her cheeks. She was so cute.

"I... guess so?" Olivia asked, wishing that was the only reason she'd shown up at Harry's apartment. She let out a quiet sigh. "I guess I don't really know why I'm here..." she admitted. Except possibly to continue to prove that I am a wretched person, she thought to herself with a frown.

"It's okay," Harry assured her. He didn't know why Olivia was at his home either, but regardless, it pleased him to see her. "Do you want to come in?"

"In?" she repeated dumbly. She did, but she realised just then she'd decided she would go home and courier the t-shirt to Harry... or perhaps she would keep it for herself. Seeing him in front of her, the indecisiveness returned. "I... I don't know..."

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