• ❁ Chapter 4 - The Surprise Meeting ❁ •

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(the art above does not belong to me!!)

Chapter 4 - The Surprise Meeting.

A sharp knock pierces through my bedroom's silence, its intention to wake me from my dreams being all too well-known. I murmur quiet and resentful words and roll over in bed. The sound comes once again through the wooden door, a little louder than before. I groan and haul myself out of bed. With my eyes still closed, I walk sluggishly over to the source of the nuisance.

"Good morning, Sunshine," Maes announces once the door is swung open. His voice mimics one of fatherly love and affection; too much for my liking. He sounds as if he's talking with a five-year-old. "Ready to finish some paperwork with Daddy?"

I rub my eyes vigorously with a sleeved hand while I absentmindedly pat Hughes' chest with the other, signalling my recognition of his words. He smiles down at my drowsy form and lets out a sighing chuckle.

"I think you know the answer to that..." I mumble out, trying to regain the focus of my vision.

"Don't be like that Elle~" The man counters, reaching for a bone-crushing hug, which I decline with an outstretched hand, the palm placed against his face and pushing up his glasses.

"It's too early in the morning for this Hughes... Let me get ready, then we will talk."

I walk back into my room while the male stands at the door, slightly disappointed. I let the wood swing closed behind me, unaware of two mismatched figures in the hallway outside, a few meters away from my dear father. Once the door locks and I walk closer to my pre-laid out clothing, a light conversation starts out; too quiet to understand but loud enough to still hear mumbling.

I pull on my black attire and the blue overcoat taken from the military uniform. A sigh of content leaves my lips as I feel the comfort of the uniform wash over me. I walk over to a mirror that is nailed perfectly to the wall, inspecting my respectability. My expression, as usual, is dull and lifeless. My bright, crimson hair feeling tight against my scalp, pulled tight by the ponytail. I carefully examine the redness of my bloodshot eyes, not changing expressions as I inwardly cringe. I grunt at my completion and attempt to rectify it. I don't put any makeup on; I merely smooth out my face with some water. Just before exiting my room, I pull on my uniformly back gloves.

I make my way out of the bedroom and to the kitchen where Gracia is humming away as she cooks the family breakfast. I swivel myself onto a kitchen seat and great my dear foster mother. She seems as cheerfully as ever as she greats me with a smile and a small 'good morning'.

Not too long after, the sound of the front door closing is heard, and little Elicia comes in, riding on the back of Maes' shoulders. Her laughter fills the peaceful room.

Hughes sits his baby girl in her highchair as he sits himself down right beside her. Gracia glides over to the table and sets three plates upon it - all consisting of the usual breakfast food - including a small bowl for Elicia. My baby half-sister immediately starts taking handfuls and shoving them in her mouth hungrily. Maes helps clean her up as Gracia and I eat in peace.

"What do you have planned today, Dear?" Gracia questions her husband.

The man quickly chews and swallows down his feed to respond. "The usual," he replies. "Paperwork for the Investigations Department, chatting to Roy and the fellows, and working alongside my sweet Elle~!"

I recoil slightly in my chair by the sound of my name. I look to my Father with a straight face, only to be greeted with a blushing and sparkling mess of a Dad.

• ❁Alchemic Scars❁ •حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن