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          The first day of U.A well for Asura that is. She was a late comer when getting her quirk. She got it when they had try outs for U.A. When she got to the building she was lost. She looked up and down halls when she accidentally bumped into a boy. When she looked up at the boy she was shocked. He was a blonde with red eyes and he looked pissed, "I'm so sorry....", She apologized but before she could finish the boy interrupted, "Watch were your going". He turned and walked away. 'what a jerk' Asura thought. She walked around some more when she found a kid. She quickly ran over to him. He had messy green hair. "Hey.... excuse me", She said as she rushed over to the boy. He turned to face her. When Asura reached him she stopped to take a breath, "can you help me....I'm lost and can't find class 1A", she said. When she looked into the boys eyes they lit up,"your the new student Mr.Aizawa was talking about", He said as he grabbed Asura's and started to run down the hall. They stopped at a tall door that had a panle that said, 1A. The boy opened the door to reveal a big class filled with students. He walked Asura in and walked over to a caterpillar looking thing on the floor. He kicked it and Asura watched as it slowly unzipped to reveal a man inside. The man stud up and faced Asura and the boy. "Mr.Aizawa I found the new student", The boy said as he pushed Asura twords Mr.Aizawa. He looked at Asura and gestured the boy to sit down. "Ok students sit down....we have a new student", He said. Everybody's eyes were now on Asura. " name is Asura's nice to meet you", Asura said as she bowed. Every one talked at once as they said hello. "Ok Asura you can go sit next to....bakugou", Mr.Aizawa said as he pointed to a blonde boy sitting in the back. Asura walked over to him and say down,'thats the boy from earlier' she thought. She looked at Bakugou and he looked back,"tch" he quickly looked away and so did Asura. The day went on and then came lunch time. All the girls gathering around Asura and welcomed her to the class then invited her to sit with them at lunch. Asura denied there offer but said maybe another time. Then came some of the boys. They were the same as the girls but one in particular was sorta flirting, "hey there Asura im Denki it just me or is there Sparks between us." He said as his fingers started to spark up as he pointed twords Asura. Asura blushed alittle then the boy with green hair shoved his way to Asura. "Denki don't make Ms.Hatake feel awkward". Denki rolled his eyes but in a funny way, "hehe ok Midoriya and I'll see you later Asura", He said as he walked off with the other boys. Midoriya stayed behind,"sorry about him Asura oh ya I forget to introduce myself earlier im Izuku Midoriya", Midoriya said as he held his hand out to Asura. She took his hand and shook it. Midoriya decided to stay in the class room and have lunch with Asura. After lunch was P.E. Everyone got in there P.E clothes and headed outside. "Asura since your new would you like to demonstrate your quirk for everyone", Mr.Aizawa said. Asura walked infront of the class. "Ok...I need a volunteer.... How about.....". She said as she searched threw her class. Everyone raised their hands hoping to get picked. Asura looked at bakugou, "bakugou get your butt up here", She said as she pointed twords him. Every one gasped as he slowly walked up to Asura. "Ok what's your quirk", She asked. Instead of answering bakugou lifted his hand to the side away from Asura and made an explosion. "There happy can I go back", He said sounding annoyed. "Not yet....I hope you don't mind pink", Asura said as she poked his forhead. As soon as her finger lifted from his head there stayed a small pink heart. Everyone laughed as they looked at bakugou. He looked up and seen the heart,"what the hell why did you put a damn sticker on my forehead", he said as he tryed to take it off but he couldn't. Out of anger he turned twords Asura and went to punch her. Before he could Asura pressed her hand to his chest and made a big explosion sending him fly into the other students. "Wow....that was more powerful then I thought", Asura said. Bakugou got up and walked over to Asura,"ok you have the same power as me so what you can't go making explosions in front of people like..", before he could finish Asura put her fingers against his lips signaling for him to shut up. She took the heart off his forehead and pushed him back. Now everyone seen that he was blushing. "Hehe ok I need another volunteer", She said and Denki walked up to her. Before anyone could say anything Asura poked Denkis cheek making him blush. "Ok I know what your quirk is already", Asura said. Denki raped his arm around Asura. She poked his side making him light up with electricity. Again everyone laughed and Denki fall to the floor and the heart fell off his cheek. "As you can see I can also use electricity... And explosions...but that's not my quirk. My quirk or should I say one of my quirks is other one isn't that cool... But ", As she said then suddenly everyone had a heart sticker on them. Asura clapped hey hands so they were in a preying pose and everything stopped. Asura lowered her hands and watched as everyone looked around amazed." I can freeze time and everything....unless you are touching me or have one of my stickers". Everyone walked around looking at everything while it was frozen. Asura started to get dizzy and almost fell onto one of the students. She released the freeze and everyones stickers fell off. When Asura came back from being dizzy everyone went on with P.E like any other day. After P.E everyone went back inside. Later on class ended and a bunch of girls walked Asura home. The girls left as Asura walked into her house but before she left the door there was a knock. She went and opened the door and waiting for her was bakugou. "Oh it's you". She said. Bakugou rolled his eyes then stared straight into Asura's,"I don't like it when people out run me but...",he reached out his hand and Asura slowly took it,"watch out before you get burned." He said as smoke slowly came out of their hands. "I got to say the same thing for you buddy." Asura said as a sticker appeared on Bakugous forehead and more smoke come out off their hands. Bakugou smirked and let go and so did Asura. She took off the sticker and gently pushed bakugou back saying go. He walked away Asura secretly flicked him off but smiled while she did. Later that night Asura dug up some old news about bakugou and a slime monster. "I knew I seen him before". She said out loud. She was by herself so she talked out loud all the time. Asura went to take a shower. As she was in the shower bakugou came and knocked on her door. There was no answer so he knocked again and the door opened. He slowly walked inside and looked for Asura. "Hey brat...". He said as he walked to her bed room. He walked to her bathroom door when he heard something. Asura was singing,'damn this brat can sing good' he thought as he leaned against the door listening to Asura sing. A few minutes later the water stopped and bakugou ran out hoping Asura wouldn't notice he was there. Asura got dressed when she seen her bedroom door was open. "I could have sworn I closed the door.....oh well", she said as she closed the door.  She laid down "today was good..... Let's make tomorrow better". She said to herself as she fell asleep.

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